Hi im advertising my clan here (Obviously)
My clan's name is Historians. I think there is/was 11 people.The tag is Cleo because its my mc nickname and its like Cleopatra, the pharoh of eygypt. My clan's rules are the average famcraft rules + a few others. Lately i styled up for halloween, but now working on christmas

I love to get people for the clan! (Im often the first person to ask new people lol)
If you are interested please /mail send Cleopatra03 me if interested.
My clan home is accesible my /clan home once trusted and in my clan. it features apartment rooms for free (you get 2 floors of ur apartment, it also doesnt come furnished), parkour, training parkour (Only use with permission), a forest that you may use to get wood (Please replant) and a public wheat farm and soon to be more then that!
If you would like to build a house /mail send Cleopatra03 me because you need permission. it costs up to 5-10 iron ingots. you need to mail be how big the house is (Maximum 20 x 20) because the bigger the more its costs. just remember wait untill i give you a place to build to build it! (Also i know there may be a few bigger houses but that was before i introduced this rule and a few people not in my clan made their house near my clan so i couldnt stop them)
also if you would like ur head on my clan members head wall i suggest putting all ur items in a chest, setting ur home there and killing ur self to get ur head. remember dont die with any items! also give me the head and i will put it up

So please join my clan :)i hope this gets a few more members.