
Author Topic: Mongoose300 Unban plea  (Read 5022 times)

Offline Mongoose300

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Mongoose300 Unban plea
« Opened on January 08, 2014, 02:12:50 AM »
I recently joined the server with the intent of building and playing with my dear friends that play on Famcraft. I heard great things about Famcraft and was very exited to join and be a part of the community. However, I was not aware on how strict the chat moderating was... I joined and noticed that my buddies were joking around and so I chimed in with a play on words with Thoatt's name. It was a silly joke and I did not think anything of it, but then I was banned from the server. I realize now how my actions were unnecessary and I will keep all inappropriate language out of Famcraft's public chat from this point on. All I can do is hope that you can forgive me for my actions and give me a second chance.

                                                                                Sincerest Apologies,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Mongoose300 Unban plea
« Reply #1 on January 08, 2014, 02:18:15 AM »
Thank you for taking the time to plea. Please keep all chat on the server, public and private, 100% family friendly. You can review the rules at /spawn at any time.
 We look forward to seeing you back on the server.