
Author Topic: Un-ban request  (Read 5615 times)

Offline AWSOME1116

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Un-ban request
« Opened on January 18, 2014, 12:14:01 PM »
I'm writing to ask for my son to be unbanned. pwetty pweaz (<-- his plea). He states he was banned for "griefing". He states it was underground cobblestone and didn't realize he was "griefing". You have my word we will look at the rules of the server together, as well as use common sense on what to do and what not to do. He will have my supervision upon reinstatement. His username is AWSOME1116
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Offline bknysnake

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Re: Un-ban request
« Reply #1 on January 18, 2014, 12:37:26 PM »
Your son was banned for a huge grief right in front of a player. He wrecked the floor, walls, killed his pets, and broke his bed and other items. I will leave this plea to my other staff members who were present when the ban was placed.

Offline AWSOME1116

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Re: Un-ban request
« Reply #2 on January 18, 2014, 12:43:09 PM »
Good to know. Hopefully they will have mercy this time. I will handle him and see why he would do that and see to it it won't happen again.
Hi again. :o

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Un-ban request
« Reply #3 on January 18, 2014, 08:24:05 PM »
Hi Logan,
 Thanks for taking the time to plea. As a parent myself, I know kids can do things that surprise us. Sadly, I do have to tell you he did indeed know he was griefing. You can see in the conversation below, where AWSOME1116 says "its wat u get". in response to Jminecraftboy's dismay at his base being destroyed.

 When I teleported to the area your son was still actively destroying things. You can see in the conversation, once  I arrived, he disconnected.
 He reconnected a minute later, and I said his name, hoping to speak with him about the situation, and again, he logged off, showing he knew what he did was wrong, and he knew he was in trouble.

 We use a plugin here that monitors and records every single block related activity on the server. This allowed us to see, and repair, all the damage that had been done.

[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> (09jminecraftboy) what are you doing to my base!!!
[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> (09AWSOME1116) its wat u get

*I teleported to the area here.*

[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> [09AWSOME1116 disconnected]

*He left the game*

[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> (0801Helper08: ~Epic) Is there a problem jminecraftboy?
[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> (09DJKRUTA123) OMG
[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> (05JrAdmin: RubensCherub) jminecraftboy?
[16:54] <+FamCraftIRC> (05JrAdmin: RubensCherub) What's wrong?
[16:55] <+FamCraftIRC> (09jminecraftboy) AWSOME1116 just did this!
[16:55] <+FamCraftIRC> (05JrAdmin: RubensCherub) I see this.

*He returned to the server here, I was still in the area. I made an effort to speak with him, and again, he left. I do like to speak with player under these circumstances as an apology and possibly help with repairs can often help the player's ban be a tempban rather than a perm ban.*

[16:55] <+FamCraftIRC> [AWSOME1116 connected]
[16:55] <+FamCraftIRC> (05JrAdmin: RubensCherub)
[16:55] <+FamCraftIRC> [09AWSOME1116 disconnected]

 Jminecraftboy has forgiven AWSOME, and has asked us to do the same. He wants to play with his friend. His wishes are important to us.
 The fact that you took the time to come here and help clear up the situation also shows us that you care, and that your son cares enough to understand what he did was wrong, and has consequences. I believe if you review the rules with him, he will be just fine. We will gladly welcome your son back to the server, and give him another chance to play with us :)

 And while we are here, Dad... We have quite a few parents on the server. You might consider giving it a try yourself? :O You might like it! :D

 We will look forward to seeing AWSOME back on the server. :)

Offline AWSOME1116

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Re: Un-ban request
« Reply #4 on January 18, 2014, 09:38:05 PM »
Thank you sooo much. We've already had conversations based on what kind of server this is (after reading a little about it on the homepage) and good old fashioned common sense. I think this site/server is a great idea and I can keep my mind at ease he's in a family friendly environment. Since reinstatement, the first thing we did was review the rules...each and every one of them, which turned out to be pretty much a rehashing of the conversations...the do's and dont's, we had earlier. I apologize for his actions as does he. He knows my name and my word is now attached to his reinstatement and it shouldn't happen again. Not only because of my involvement but he is a good, smart kid (even tho it sounds like he was acting like a little monster, which surprises me a little). Rest assured I will be monitoring his actions on your server from here on out, and while you probably won't catch me playing (I'm more of a console gamer), I will occasionally sit in with him and play through him I guess you could say. Anyways, thanks again guys. While I signed this account up for him using the name and password he chose, the email attached to the account is mine. Feel free to email if you feel the need to contact me about anything, and I'll do the same with you.
Hi again. :o