I don't in any way want to sound mean or horrible -- it's actually taking everything i have to write this because i hate making anyone feel like they've done anything wrong -- but i have a small request for the lovely people of this server.
Please, please,
please stop pranking me.
I know you guys mean well, and it's all in fun, and you've all come up with INCREDIBLY creative (and awesome!) pranks -- but it's getting to the point where they're getting a little out of hand.

First of all, my internet is
terrible. It can take me up to five solid minutes to login properly and even see the chat. The same goes with teleporting anywhere. The more mobs or moving parts that are in an area, the longer it takes me to load. Having an entire house of mobs, floating chicken eggs, snowballs, or etc makes it impossible for me to move -- which then makes it impossible for me to pay attention to chat, and when i can't pay attention to chat, i feel like i'm being a terrible mod because i can't do my 'job' properly. T.T
Second, the cleanup is getting worse. Many of my builds have a ton of intricate details, including layered item frames that need special placement (which usually need to be placed before the rest of the item can be built) and during cleanup of so many mobs/blocks, many of these item frames get knocked off by the swinging of swords, shovels, or stray arrows, which leads me to completely re-building something i already spent a ton of time perfecting. I've also had 3 pranks which included hostile mobs which could have potentially killed me. I never wear armor, and the only weapon i bring with me is a bow and arrow. This can cause some problems :I
I've also had problems with my pets (namely cats and dogs) teleporting to me at really inconvenient times. I know i shouldn't do this, but nearly all of my animals are "memorial" animals, named after real pets of mine that have passed away. I do my best to keep them in a safe spot where they'll never die, but when people tamper with my things, my pets will teleport to me, and i'm terrified that one day i'll be standing over lava or something and they'll end up dying again :C
Third, I know it's just a game, and that i shouldn't' take things so seriously, but I take HUGE pride in my builds and the things I create and seeing them taken apart, changed, or covered up completely breaks my heart.
Like i've said, I don't want to be a mean, horrible person. That's literally the
last thing I'd ever want to be -- you guys are my family, and i love you all more than you can possibly imagine -- but just as a heads up, I would really
really appreciate it if the pranks could stop :C