
Author Topic: Temp ban.  (Read 2563 times)

Offline RR_Luke

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Temp ban.
« Opened on March 10, 2014, 10:55:31 AM »
Im temp banned, again im sorry and thx for giving me another chance instead of straight up banning me, but why am i temp banned?

Offline Kealper

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Re: Temp ban.
« Reply #1 on March 10, 2014, 11:17:50 AM »
You've got a two-day temp-ban for minor griefing at a public farm/resource area. The area warned (by sign) that the owner would consider it griefing and report it if players who took resource did not re-plant after they were done, and you removed several trees there without replanting any of them.

You've been warned about this in the past, which is why it was a short temp-ban now  :(

Offline RR_Luke

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Re: Temp ban.
« Reply #2 on March 10, 2014, 11:26:14 AM »
1. I never saw A sign.
2. I got banned for 2 days! Because i forgot to place a Few saplings

Offline RR_Luke

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Re: Temp ban.
« Reply #3 on March 10, 2014, 11:33:03 AM »
Im sorry and it is a little ridiculous. may i please be unbanned?

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Temp ban.
« Reply #4 on March 10, 2014, 04:08:01 PM (Edited March 10, 2014, 05:08:51 PM) »
 No Luke, it's more than a little ridiculous. You were warned well before this ban.

 I was quite generous only giving you a 2 day ban. Due to the attitude I see here, your punishment has been altered to better fit the situation, so on top of the inital two day ban 61,000 coins have been deducted from your account. That is approximately what you gained by selling the stolen trees. Stolen- because you took without replacing. We do not care to see players profit from griefing/stealing. 

 You have been warned prior to this ban. You took 50+ trees without replanting. You took these from a FREE farm made available to you by a fellow player. This is not cool, and this type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable here.

 You are not "entitled" to those trees. It is not your "right" to be there. This is a kind player choosing to share with you, and I will NOT see you take advantage of him.

 Your own failure to read the rules which are clearly posted as you enter the farm area is your own problem.
 The fact that you ignored the warnings you were given is also your own problem.

 Next time you visit that farm, or any free farm, you will want be prepared to replant because I will not hesitate to make it a  permanent ban if you do this again.