
Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 16876 times)

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #15 on March 14, 2014, 01:28:37 PM »
Or... Like a snake.
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
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Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #16 on March 14, 2014, 01:42:34 PM »

Offline vespamartio

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #17 on March 14, 2014, 03:21:06 PM »
really! i go to school for 1 DAY and you manage to rack up 2 pages on a single thread! you guys have waaaaayyyy too much time on your hands...

anyway i has a lot of that Daja reve stuff, this one time, when i was like 4, i had a dream that i was standing next to my schools basketball hoop watching people set up for a basketball game and then i woke up. throughout the next the next five years, i kept waiting for the dream to come true just because i remembered it so vividly, but when i had the dream, there was one problem... our school didn't have a basket court :P. then at one point they started building one but by then i had forgotten the dream. Then when i was like 9, the school was setting for an event called sports day (really fun!) and i was standing next to the basketball hoop, then i remembered the dream... and watched it as it came true. I just kept thinking in my head how amazing brains are at doing this kind of thing, especially after 5 years!

then there's the dream that i used to have like once every year on the same day and it went like this: i would wake up in bed and everything in the room would be alive... i would then proceed to get out of bed and run into the tv room to get my dad but this blue old school like desk would have arms... and grab my arm so that i couldn't get him and, as in some dreams, i tried calling him but no noise came out then i would wake up. like i said, this went on for a few years and i got really annoyed at that desk... Then one night during the dream I was just done with this dream, so i yelled at the top of my lungs "STOP!" and oddly enough it worked... but then this weird little troll thing came out from behind my bed with a clipboard and checklist and told me that all but the slippers had signed the treaty (peace treaty?) and the desk had let go of my arm and then i looked down and saw the slippers still tapping away... That morning when i actually woke up, i dragged the desk out of my room and set it next to the tv cabinet and told my parents about what has been happening and so they left the desk there, and there it is to this day and i havn't had that same nightmare since  ;D

Then there's the weirdest dream i had: the first thing i remember is that the dream started with me in the bathroom... i quickly left there and went to my parents room because i wasn't feeling good but right after i stepped out out he bathroom the hallway was a realistic mine cart track and the way to my parents room was barcaded and since i wasn't smart enough to climb over it  i got in the realistic mine cart sitting on the tack and it started moving automatically, by the time it had reached my parents bedroom, i was just bored with this dream so i tried to wake myself up and when i did i was "teleported" back to my bed in a sleeping position and when i opened my eyes, everything (except my bed) was covered with giant spinning pennies (kinda like in mario :P)!  i decided to see where this new dream was heading so i decided to stay in the dream a bit longer, i got out of the bed and looked int he hallway and there was the mine cart track and mine cart and when i saw that i just gave up and woke up.
"Isn't it funny how
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Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #18 on March 14, 2014, 03:48:27 PM »
then there's the dream that i used to have like once every year on the same day and it went like this: i would wake up in bed and everything in the room would be alive... i would then proceed to get out of bed and run into the tv room to get my dad but this blue old school like desk would have arms... and grab my arm so that i couldn't get him and, as in some dreams, i tried calling him but no noise came out then i would wake up. like i said, this went on for a few years and i got really annoyed at that desk... Then one night during the dream I was just done with this dream, so i yelled at the top of my lungs "STOP!" and oddly enough it worked... but then this weird little troll thing came out from behind my bed with a clipboard and checklist and told me that all but the slippers had signed the treaty (peace treaty?) and the desk had let go of my arm and then i looked down and saw the slippers still tapping away... That morning when i actually woke up, i dragged the desk out of my room and set it next to the tv cabinet and told my parents about what has been happening and so they left the desk there, and there it is to this day and i havn't had that same nightmare since  ;D

Somebody watches too many Disney fairy tails...

Offline Stitch 🔷 Jordyn

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #19 on March 14, 2014, 04:21:37 PM »
Somebody watches too many Disney fairy tails...

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Offline vespamartio

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #20 on March 14, 2014, 04:32:20 PM (Edited March 14, 2014, 04:34:28 PM) »
as far as i know,  Mrs. potts, Lumier, cogsworth, and the rest of the diner don't hold people hostage...
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #21 on March 14, 2014, 06:57:33 PM »
Strangely, I only have one kind of nightmare, and its really freaky. For some reason, I only have it when I'm sick and it goes like this: I wake up one day, it is still night, and I can't seem to move my body. I'm just lying there in the dark, then suddenly something starts pushing me down really hard. I barely can breath. Than random things come out of the ceiling (like a horse or a potato) and start raining on me. That's when I wake up.
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Offline PixelArtistTavi

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #22 on March 14, 2014, 07:35:51 PM »
I have had this one dream, same exact one, and I've seen it at least 6 times in the last few years... Just waiting for that one to come true, LOL. Y'know, dreams freak me out; I hate this whole Deja vu thing. Seems like I'll dream something "realistic" and sometimes it might actually happen, word for word in real life. o.O  I hate it when people don't follow along after about 5 sentences.  :P

Anyone else get these? They really make NO sense, but I swear, they happen to me all the time, and usually if I can point out the 'dream' early as it starts happening, sometimes I can keep the vision going for around 2 minutes!  ???

Healp mee

If your having the same dream more than once it can be your subconscious trying to tell you something.

Umm let's see most dreams I remember the most are my nightmares, Sorry it's actually rare for me to dream to this day anyways, I think I just suppressed them or I may be blocking that level of REM sleep out of fear. Again sorry no dreams but I did get out of my bed and ask my friend "What time are we waking them up? In my sleep then went back to bed.

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #23 on March 14, 2014, 07:52:54 PM »
Strangely, I only have one kind of nightmare, and its really freaky. For some reason, I only have it when I'm sick and it goes like this: I wake up one day, it is still night, and I can't seem to move my body. I'm just lying there in the dark, then suddenly something starts pushing me down really hard. I barely can breath. Than random things come out of the ceiling (like a horse or a potato) and start raining on me. That's when I wake up.

Next time it happens, if it's a potatoe, eat it. If it's a horse, ride it. You will not have any more of those dreams.


Offline Rundrop

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #24 on March 14, 2014, 11:54:54 PM »
I have had this one dream, same exact one, and I've seen it at least 6 times in the last few years... Just waiting for that one to come true, LOL. Y'know, dreams freak me out; I hate this whole Deja vu thing. Seems like I'll dream something "realistic" and sometimes it might actually happen, word for word in real life. o.O  I hate it when people don't follow along after about 5 sentences.  :P

Anyone else get these? They really make NO sense, but I swear, they happen to me all the time, and usually if I can point out the 'dream' early as it starts happening, sometimes I can keep the vision going for around 2 minutes!  ???

Healp mee

If your having the same dream more than once it can be your subconscious trying to tell you something.

Umm let's see most dreams I remember the most are my nightmares, Sorry it's actually rare for me to dream to this day anyways, I think I just suppressed them or I may be blocking that level of REM sleep out of fear. Again sorry no dreams but I did get out of my bed and ask my friend "What time are we waking them up? In my sleep then went back to bed.
same as me tavi :O
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
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Offline GatheringExp

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #25 on March 15, 2014, 09:51:13 AM »
We need Sleeptech's wisdom here.
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Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #26 on March 15, 2014, 10:27:55 AM »
We need Sleeptech's wisdom here.


Rach, get your mother to explain!

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #27 on March 15, 2014, 11:35:15 AM »
Strangely, I only have one kind of nightmare, and its really freaky. For some reason, I only have it when I'm sick and it goes like this: I wake up one day, it is still night, and I can't seem to move my body. I'm just lying there in the dark, then suddenly something starts pushing me down really hard. I barely can breath. Than random things come out of the ceiling (like a horse or a potato) and start raining on me. That's when I wake up.

It's very possible that you're not actually dreaming-dreaming, and you're going through "Sleep Paralysis". I've experienced it once or twice, and both times it's been absolutely terrifying.

"Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move (being paralyzed). More formally, it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness). It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams. ((Like when you see a pet moving their legs in their sleep like they're running? you do it too :D))"

The "intruder in the room" can be anything, but from what i've heard from others (and seems to be most common with me at least) was shadows, or black smokey figures. The ones I've seen have slipped under my bedroom door, manifested from the dark spot under my desk, and my best friend had one that "crawled through the window and made horrible scratching sounds".

It's also EXTREMELY common to feel and "see" the thing sit on your chest, making it feel hard to breathe, which only increases the panic the victim feels when they're unable to "wake".


The easiest way to "wake up" from this, is to try to ignore whatever's going on. The noises, the feelings, the visions -- ignore it completely. While you're trying to ignore it, start to wiggle your fingers and toes if you can. Focus on it. Don't try to move whole body parts yet, just your fingers/toes. Once you can get them to move, go bigger, and move your hands/feet. Then your arms, and shoulders, your neck and head, try and wiggle around, but don't sit up until you are 100% sure you can move, or you could fall out of bed and plop onto the floor (it's happened to me before and it was both funny and terrifying, because it can start all over again and the shadows under the bed will be enough to make you scream like a little girl on your first roller coaster, lol)

The only way i know to really prevent it, is to de-stress before bed, and make sure you're hydrated, and fully rested. Don't go to bed angry/upset (or try not to), drink lots of water (have a glass of water/water bottle beside your bed), and don't ever follow any of those "Lucid Dreaming" posts you see on the internet, because they're bogus, lol.

Also, don't google image search sleep paralysis, there's some scary stuff in there o_o

Offline vespamartio

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #28 on March 15, 2014, 11:54:09 AM »
That happy moment when someone is describing something terrible and it happens to everyone and you are just very happy this hasn't happened to you and you feel bad for anyone who has to endure this horror  >:(
"Isn't it funny how
day by day
nothing changes
but when you look back
everything is different..."
        - C.S. Lewis

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #29 on March 15, 2014, 12:08:12 PM »
My older brother used to get this all the time, except there was no "intruder". He said he would wake up, but he couldn't move at all and he'd start to panic trying to move parts of his body.

And Ghouls, Lucid Dreaming is totally not bogus. I've done it twice. You have to be completely calm in order not to wake yourself. I've only been able to keep at it a couple of seconds, though, before I wake up. It'd be neat to be able to control your dream fully without waking up. Usually I wake up when I Lucid Dream because I get really excited.

(Lucid Dreaming is when you can realize that you're dreaming and you can just do whatever you want.)