
Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 16879 times)

Offline Kealper

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #45 on March 18, 2014, 03:32:23 PM »
Becareful with that second one Rowan, if your dream seams real and you die then chances are the mind will really think your dead shuting down and stoping everything. Mew Mew :3

[citation needed]

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #46 on March 18, 2014, 11:05:59 PM »
Tavi,  Please DO NOT. I will lock this thread if I see you spreading any more misinformation or trying to scare people here.

Offline ApolloMew

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #47 on March 22, 2014, 11:51:41 AM »
I was about to post one...I spent 25 minutes typing...then google crashed...I'll write it later if I care to do so...as I'm aggravated now...

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #48 on March 22, 2014, 04:32:47 PM »
Another weird dream to add to the pile! \ o /

In this one, I was younger. WAY younger. Like, 12 or 13 years old -- and for some reason, i was an orphan with my little brother (who was about the same age as me, instead of 4 years younger). He and I were playing a game where your actions changed the outcome of your life IRL. We got to a medieval tavern, where we had the options to make different food to serve to the Queen of England...

The options were: a Loaf of French Bread, A Cherry Pie, A Fancy Lemon Tart, and A Mincemeat Pie. The first time I picked an option, I picked the Cherry Pie. Then you had to choose at what time to give the Queen the pie. The options for that, were: At breakfast, At Tea, At Lunch, For Dessert, or For Cookie (which was basically "a midnight snack"). I chose For Dessert, and went through a sequence where we were all sitting in this HUGE grand dining hall with golden dinnerware and the Queen took a bite of my pie, saying Cherry Pie was one of her favorite desserts, and that I was such a clever child for being able to bake one so perfectly -- but the lady at the end of the table (her daughter-in-law? I'm not sure who she was) got jealous, and suddenly ordered that her daughter's lemon tart be served next.
The queen tried it, and when asked which one she preferred, she had to choose her granddaughter's , or else she'd shame her. I apparently failed the sequence, and was brought back to the medieval tavern with the options put in front of me again.

The next time, i chose the mincemeat pie. Before I could even get the option of when to serve it to the queen, a giant Bone-Troll comes bursting out of the building, sending splintered wood everywhere and talking about smashing me. I immediately hit pause, and went back to my last save, lol.

So I finally chose the cherry pie again, but this time I decided to serve it "For Cookie", and got to walk through the castle to find the Queen in her bedroom getting ready for bed, and talking about how she wanted to sneak down into the kitchen for a snack, but she knew her family would be on patrol in the hallways to keep her from doing so. I came in, and offered her a smaller personal version of the cherry pie. She was overjoyed, and ate it, and then hugged me and said it was exactly what she'd been craving. She then called her butler-guy into the room, and demanded that he bring in my adoption papers at once, that she would love to have me as her own daughter, and teach me to bake all kinds of other things, and that i would "surely be a better daughter than (insert name of other girl here???)".
So apparently I got adopted by the Queen of England.

But it didn't end there ._.

As the daughter of the Queen, I got to do all kinds of things with her. We went horseback riding and saw musicals, and all kinds of awesome things. She decided to put on our own musical with her children & grandchildren, but her daughter-in-law wanted nothing to do with it since she was "too old" to be involved, which made the Queen upset, that she lost our most talented seamstress. I convinced her to finish the giant Glinda-the-good-witch-looking dress herself, and as the set began to be put together around me (two mossy trees that curved like staircases to meet in the middle, just above the Glinda Dress) I started to sing "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera... Which in dream-form,


The Queen was so incredibly taken aback that I could sing so well, she immediately made me the lead part, but then realized she had to make the dress entirely from scratch now, because it wouldn't fit me, as i'm too fat, lol.

I have to say, this is one of my weirder ones... XD

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #49 on March 22, 2014, 05:54:11 PM »
WOW Ghouls! This is the most intricate dream I've ever heard of! You know what that means, it means that it's going to happen to you! Start bakin dat pie! LOL Very interesting :P

Offline bknysnake

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #50 on March 26, 2014, 07:42:23 AM (Edited March 26, 2014, 08:07:01 AM) »
I'll share one of my dreams, it's almost like a story...

One day I found myself on a raft with my father and 2 sisters (Roslyn, and Evelyn). We were lost in the ocean heading towards what appears to be a island covered by really long wheat. As we near the island, we see that some of the wheat tend to move, as if there were someone running within them. We finally got towards land and we start to depart the raft. My father decided we should look for food as we weren't sure how long we were on that raft but we were all starving.

The hunt began for food, we found a few trees with apples and avocados, oranges. We started to eat away. As the sun started to drift away, and the dark began to show it's presence. We started to hear some weird noises. My sisters were startled because it almost sounded as if there were people surrounding us, but we were lead to believe we were the only ones on this island.

As the noises grew louder, and the wheat started to move more frequently, we decided to arm ourselves with sticks in case we needed to defend ourselves. All of a sudden these people came out of no where with long sticks, they were about 3 ft tall and yelling at us. They point for us to follow them, and we did out of fear.

As we arrived to a town like area with many huts, campfires and a lot more of them, we realized that in the campfire they were cooking. I recall my father saying that he believed they were bad people. I became scared and worried.

I decided to inform my father and sisters that I will lure their attention on to me and for him to take my sisters and go back to the raft and leave. I started to run into the wheat, the bad guys started to chase me. My father and sisters dissappeared and headed to the raft. I had the bad guys chasing me for a while, then I decided to head towards the raft.

As I got closer to the raft, I started to yell "pull away, pull away" so that my father could push away from land, and I could just swim to them. As I got there I noticed that they already had trapped the raft.

Then I woke up lol. crazy huh? lol

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #51 on March 26, 2014, 09:21:01 AM »
Golden rule of writing, never end it with "then I woke up"

lol but wow that's a crazy dream, it kind of reminds me of a few movies i've watched.
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Offline MrChris13

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #52 on March 26, 2014, 10:08:50 AM »
What do you mean by "trapped the raft"?

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #53 on March 26, 2014, 12:39:16 PM »
He tied it up, so it could not escape through the water.
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Offline bknysnake

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #54 on March 26, 2014, 01:24:01 PM »
lol the story ended there cause thats when I woke up, can't help that lol.

as for trapped the raft, I guess I meant surrounded the raft so that we can't escape on it.

Offline mzast25

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #55 on April 06, 2014, 10:14:59 PM »
I don't think u guys have heard of this but I usually have dreams where I think I've only been dreaming for like 2 minutes but it has really been like a few hours.

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #56 on April 06, 2014, 10:30:48 PM »
if its after you woke up, then thats normal
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Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #57 on April 06, 2014, 10:50:01 PM »
I had one of those awful dreams last night where all your teeth fall out ._. i hate those so much... but they say you have them when you're stressed/a huge change is happening so... lol

Still... ick teeth >.<

Offline mzast25

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #58 on April 06, 2014, 10:55:28 PM »
I also have dreams where I think that it is happening in real life

Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #59 on April 07, 2014, 07:18:41 AM »
I also have dreams where I think that it is happening in real life
Same here :P it makes me stay up all night.
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