
Author Topic: Lightbulb's StoryCorner  (Read 4674 times)

Offline LightBulbasaur

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Lightbulb's StoryCorner
« Opened on March 20, 2014, 04:44:39 PM (Edited March 20, 2014, 06:03:13 PM) »
I am soo jealous of Soma's story I decided to make one :P
Please note: None of the characters (Except one) will be umm like... uhh they are in the story

Also (My punctuation stinks)

-----Chapter One------

Once upon a time, in the land of famcraft, there was a boy who's name was CatBug (CB) who lived in a marvelous mansion. One day he was extremely depressed due to his loneliness, cause he had no family. So he decided to go and explore somewhere other than the empty halls of his mansion. He went to the SG area punched the magical button and, "poof" he teleported to a random area. He started to explore the world, though his going was slow, due to the swampiness of the area. Finally after a whole day of walking, running, climbing, and falling he made it. But where was he? He was at a completely flat area with a house at the center. However he couldn't fit though the door cause it was only one block tall! "How could anyone fit through this?" He wondered. Suddenly he saw a little figure peek out from the hole "hi I'm jub" he said " who are you?" "Huh oh I'm CB nice to meet you" "would you like to come in you look hungry?" Jub asked "thanks but umm I can't fit though your door" "Oh oh let me fix that" jub replied as he scurried away. Suddenly the door opens wider revealing a beautiful room. "Please sit" jub said as he gestured to a larger chair."thank you" CB replied as he sat down. " are you hungry?" "A little i guess" "here's some food" jub said as he handed CB some steak and potatoes.
-----Chapter One Following Someone Else-----

Somewhere else in the famcraft world, there lived this very rich well dressing admin named Thoatt. Now Thoatt was a adventurous type , and one day while he was exploring he found something he had never seen before. What was it you may ask well it was larger than some things, anyway he found his way inside to discover nothing. " Nothing! " he yelled "i found a way inside of here for nothing." Very depressed he was ready to leave when a bright flash of light emitted from the middle of the room stunning him! As he got up he saw something in the middle of the room, it was the legendary, slightly annoying Plenary!!! Thoatt knew what to do he got his special stick that bans people who got hit with it! As he was about to hit plenary he suddenly felt himself moving away from plenary "what's this" he wonderd as he felt the wall behind him. Then out of nowhere a portal appeard and as Thoatt fell in he saw plenary smile evily!
<FamCraftIRC> Supermickey24 was slain by Ender Dragon
<FamCraftIRC> (JrMod: ~BugsBunny) Dragon 1 Mickey 0
<FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Mickey) shh
<FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Mickey) I got dis
<FamCraftIRC> Supermickey24 was slain by Ender Dragon

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Lightbulb's StoryCorner
« Reply #1 on March 21, 2014, 07:15:13 AM »
Nice story so far  :D

Offline Stitch 🔷 Jordyn

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Re: Lightbulb's StoryCorner
« Reply #2 on March 28, 2014, 03:30:25 PM »
Looks like someone found the italicize button. :>
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