
Author Topic: Banned for being curious, my plea to be unbanned from my temporary ban  (Read 5089 times)

Offline tramaine98

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Banned for being curious, my plea to be unbanned from my temporary ban
« Opened on March 29, 2014, 12:03:59 AM (Edited March 29, 2014, 12:38:37 AM) »
 :)   First i would like to start this message stating that i was banned for a very ridiculous reason,
i was banned by RubensCherub for asking questions about the rules which were very vague to me, i obviously didn't understand a certain rule and was asking for a better understanding.
   Second i would like to state that i was banned for "wasting a staff members time." but i believe if you are a staff member you should help/ answer questions etc.. to anybody, even if the question is ridiculous or idiotic,that's what a helper,mod or admin should do. the whole point of them being any of those three positions is to help players when they ask for it.

so what I'm basically saying is that i shouldn't of been banned for "wasting a staff members time" because staff member's are suppose to dedicate their time to help other players correct?

Sincerely, Tramaine98
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Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned for being curious, my plea to be unbanned from my temporary ban
« Reply #1 on March 29, 2014, 01:16:05 AM (Edited March 29, 2014, 01:18:48 AM) »

 Thank you for taking the time to plea.

 We do not ban for ridiculous reasons here, I can promise you this. You were tempbanned so you could think about what you were doing, and avoid a perm ban.

 Had you read the rules, you would not have asked those questions. As you claim to know the rules, It leads me to believe you were looking for attention, and gaining that attention by wasting the staff's time.
  We have many players who require actual assistance. We like to be able to use our time to help with real questions or other issues.

 Our staff team NEVER minds taking the time to help a player. You know this as well as anyone. I've had several extensive conversations with you, tonight and in the past, in our "lets_talk" channel. This channel was designed for privacy as well as the ability to offer our full attention to a player. I have made every effort to be helpful to you, as have the other staff members.

 Being helpful and caring for our players does not mean we are required to let them abuse the system that is set in place to help them. It also does not mean letting them try to get around the rules that were set to protect them.

 In addition to your "questions", you were borderline argumentative, as well as disrespectful in the channel, with Bk.  I stand by the decision that you needed a break, to think about how you were behaving.

 Your first question was:

[23:22] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) can i put a swear word on a sign?

 Which was followed by this conversation between you and Staff:

[23:22] <+FamCraftIRC> (1101JrMod11: ~Rowan) No, tramaine
[23:22] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) okay...
[23:23] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) what happens if i do? O.o

You know this is a rule here. This is clearly stated in the rules at spawn. It even specifically mentions signs.
 The fact that, even after staff replied, you asked "What happens if I do?" tells me that you were just trying to waste the staff's time.

Your 2nd question was:

[23:26] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) wait can i mute a player?

 I believe you were well aware you did not have the ability to mute other players. While this is not covered in the rules, it is fairly obvious this is a staff tool.

Your 3rd question was:

[23:36] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) i was going to ask why is abrieviations not acceptable
[23:36] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) like l m a o?

 Again, this is covered in the rules right at spawn. I took time to explain to you what evading means, and you still tried to argue that it was just an abbreviation.

 You said you did not see anything about abbreviations in the rules. This was an effort to argue the rules, which is something else we do not tolerate here.

[23:41] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) i see nothing about abbreviating words in the rules
[23:41] <+FamCraftIRC> (09tramaine98) ...

 This is not the first time you've logged into the server with a negative, argumentative attitude. We like to keep things upbeat and friendly, and we do expect our players to understand that here.

 I believe you are perfectly capable of understanding and complying with the rules here. I would like to see you review the rules when you return, including the extended rules at the end of the mail rule board at spawn- just take the [Lift Down] to continue reading. If you read these, and you have any serious questions, I would be more than happy to help.

 I have reduced your ban to a one day tempban so you will still have some playtime this weekend. Please make sure to be nice when you return.     

- Anna

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Thanks for cooperating, I will re-read the rules when my ban is over.  :)
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