Minecraft 1.19.4 has been released!Famcraft is updated to the latest version!Please make sure you connect with 1.19.3 or 1.19.4.
"I want Murica has Realms so I can cram money at my compotato" - Stitch 2014May the legacy of the compotato live on! And, my want for Realms
LAN = requires external hosting program (ahem)Laptop = still requires external programRealms = no extra programs or hosting software (or admin panel), take my money, geemee server, boomOf course there are many server hosts that do this, but I like the direct in-game integration of Realms. Besides Chris, you tries Realms BETA, hosted out of the US, which equals lag... And that fact that it was integrated into MC probably exerted that server lag to your computer as well (not really sure, but I suppose it seems possible...). Regardless, Realms would be a great host if they feex the lag, and like I said, as it expands for real to the US, I'm sure it'll get better. And if it doesn't? I simply won't use it
lol, I'd gladly try a 1-month sub once it comes out just to give it a go