
Author Topic: Being banned for lying because o wasnt to [a friend] evn though u thought i was  (Read 5122 times)

Offline neoncraft007

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Being banned for lying because o wasnt to [a friend] evn though u thought i was
« Opened on May 21, 2014, 03:41:45 PM (Edited May 21, 2014, 03:55:34 PM) »
i wasnt lying to[a friend] i see her on sometimes and on imiges of the team im not lying i love famcraft abd [a friend] is my really good freind i was planning to pull and all nighter playing famcraft  tonight usally im not allowed on theis early but today i was i was nit lying to him plz unbann me dont bann me for ever u guys are my family :'(

From another post that was deleted

from now i ON PROMISE TO HAVE A CHANGED HEART A MORE CONNSIDRIBLE KIND HONSET HAERT i know u gave me chances but i faieled u plzz oh plz :'( this was the best server ever and anna u are an aamazing player plz oh plz allow me back on dont ban me for ever plz! Anyone Reading this i swear to be a better person! plz Belive me ! plz!! :'(

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Being banned for lying because o wasnt to a frien evn though u thought i was
« Reply #1 on May 21, 2014, 03:52:10 PM (Edited May 21, 2014, 06:47:00 PM) »
 Neon, you came onto this server lying, and you have lied non-stop since the moment you arrived. You have lied about your age, job and "military status". You have even lied and said a friend died in an explosion, and the police notified you directly. You lied to someone you call  a friend today, about something there was no need to lie about at all.
 You have lied to me, to get me to relocate your clan home, leaving your co-leader baffled when she logged in and had no idea where the clan home was. You have also lied each time you claim you will stop lying.

 When you take  break from lying, it is to complain that you have lost items, and/or beg for money or item from other players and staff.

 I have spoken with you about this quite a few times.

 When people try to be kind to you, you take advantage of them. When people try to polite reply to you, and then get on with their game, you repeat their name over and over till they are driven to reply, or leave the server.

 At this point, you are officially degrading the experience of other players, as well as the staff team. I am now banning you from the server, and the forum. I will discuss this case with the other Admin. If it is decided you will be allowed to return, which is very unlikely, I will unban you from the forum and post an update on this thread.

 I do hope you can find another server you will enjoy playing on. I am sorry things did not work out here.