
Author Topic: July Donation Sale  (Read 4959 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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July Donation Sale
« Opened on June 30, 2014, 11:13:55 PM (Edited July 01, 2014, 06:53:51 PM) »
 Hello Famcrafters! We will be featuring 50% off of all donor items and donor permissions up to the $300 level perms during the entire month of July! That's right, July 1- July 31st, 2014 ONLY. (*sale does NOT include jobs xp)

 In the past, only donation items such as picks were available for a discounted price. During this very special, one time only sale, donor permissions will also be 50% off. This includes half priced /kit torch  (normally at $20) /back (normally at $30), /hat (normally at $50),  Deathchest (normally at $200) and yes,  /Fly (normally at $300).

 Only funds donated between July 1st and July 31st 2014 will count towards this sale. (With the exception of the few players who donated within the 3 days prior to the sale date and waited till July 1st to claim their items, for those players their funds will count towards their July donations)

 This will be our final pre-EULA compliance sale. We do plan to be fully EULA compliant on August 1st, 2014. Any and all donor perks/donor items in place as of July 31, 2014 will indeed remain in place. No perks or items will be removed from donors as a result of the EULA. Any credit on file will remain available as it always has been, to be used at the convenience of the donor at any time.

 In order to ensure we can follow the recently clarified Minecraft EULA guidelines while keeping all donor items and perks in place, on August 1, 2014 ,  we will be offering the vast majority of our main donor perks in game, for Famcoins. The in game prices will be very high, but the perks and items will be available through regular gameplay.

 This will allow us to be well within Mojang's expectations as per this quote from the Mojang EULA "Follow-up Q&A"
How should servers deal with users who have already spent hard currency on features that affect gameplay?
Users may keep the perks they’ve paid for on the condition that the same perks are available to other players on the server (directly or purchasable using soft currency).

 More information here: https://famcraft.com/index.php?action=treasury

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: July Donation Sale
« Reply #1 on July 25, 2014, 07:46:07 AM (Edited July 25, 2014, 01:40:17 PM) »
Alright Famcrafters! The time has come for some very important information about donation items.

 This will be the FINAL WEEK that most donation items are available as a perk for cash donations to the server. That's right, July 25-31 is the very last time these in game items will be offered as donation rewards.

 Due to our desire to be fully Minecraft EULA compliant, after July 31, 2014, ONLY the cosmetic items from our current donation rewards will be available as individual donation perks.

 This means, currently, after August 1st, the ONLY perks you will be able to donate actual irl  currency for are

*Dark green names
*The ability to purchase nicknames with 100k in game currency
*Statues at the spawn area
*That warm fuzzy feeling you get from showing your support for Famcraft

 Don't worry. We are, of course, working on finding other fun cosmetic items for players to donate for. We have some fun and interesting ideas in the works! :D

 To be very clear, After July 31, 2014 The following items/types of items will NO LONGER be available as irl currency, purchasable donation rewards.

*jobs xp
*commands/permissions (other than /hat, currently)
*anything not listed here that is obvious, but I may have overlooked

 This week is absolutely your LAST opportunity to donate irl cash for these items.

 From August 1, 2014 onward, these items and permissions will be available for direct purchase IN GAME, but ONLY with Famcoins. They will not be available, in any form, for cash donations. We will also NOT be giving Famcoins in exchange for cash donations. All Famcoins will be earned or won via competitions/raffles or otherwise obtained by in-game-only methods.

 We want to be very honest with you, the prices will be quite high. These items will not be inexpensive or easy to acquire, as we do intend to keep things fair for those who have donated irl funding to help with server expenses over the past 2+ years.

 We want to keep things fun and interesting here on Famcraft, so keep an eye out for more information and details about how we will rock EULA compliance, and keep Famcraft as amazing as ever!

 Thank you all for your support, monetary and otherwise. Never forget, it takes more than cash donations to support a server. Every single time you log in, follow the rules, and interact with the community- YOU are supporting Famcraft. We <3 you all.

Learn more about Famcraft's EULA compliance here: http://u.famcraft.com/55