
Author Topic: Player owned mall shop evictions  (Read 3829 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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Player owned mall shop evictions
« Opened on July 18, 2014, 02:53:04 PM »
 I thought this needed it's own post :D'

 How to evict a player from a player owned mall

* Verify that the player has not been online/active in a while, or their shop appears abandoned. (* Hint, try the /saw command)

 *Post a sign at the entrance of the shop stating that the shop owner is being evicted if there is no contact in "_"  days. Somewhere from 3-7 days should be reasonable for active players.

 *Send in game mail with a similar message. /mail send [playername] Today is 7/9/14. Your mall shop at my mall will be closed in 3 days if I do not hear from you. Thx.

*If the player replies, as them to remove their items from your mall.

 *After the allotted time has passed, if no response from the player, please contact an admin for proper removal of the players  items. You can contact us using the Admin Help Request form if we are not online. We will get to it as soon as reasonably possible:

(For the record, we pack their things up, and drop them off at their home in a locked chest, even banned players.)