
Author Topic: How i got bk's head free  (Read 4383 times)

Offline DrewsMagicMonkey

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How i got bk's head free
« Opened on August 07, 2014, 02:14:00 PM »
Here is the story,

      It was bk's birthday and i wanted to gove him  a little present and a cake, so i tped him to me and he accepted and i song happy birth day to him. Then i gave a predent which was my very last diamond! Then he thsnked me and left.
Then i acidenty hit my dragon egg and i said in chat "oh no! I lost my dragon egg" and bk came and helped me fine it. Then he gave me a torch so i could pick it up and me and bk became buddys!

Later i asked bk " bk can i have you head :D" ( thinking he would not really give it to me) he said "my head?" I said "yup :D" then he have me his head and thanked him verrryyy much!

The end!