
Author Topic: Ban Plea  (Read 5136 times)

Offline ScottKor

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Ban Plea
« Opened on August 23, 2014, 07:57:15 PM »
Ban plea: I have been banned for unwanted PvP and I wish to be unbanned because I have not been on the server for long and I know it was wrong but I ask for forgiveness on the server. Its a great server and I absolutely love it. And I would love to expand my stay on the server and invite others to it. I'm sorry for what I did and I won't do it again. From Scottkor please forgive me and unban me.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Ban Plea
« Reply #1 on August 23, 2014, 08:21:18 PM »
 I am sorry things did not work out here, Scott. I am afraid this is not the server for you. You have been in trouble quite a few times, and each time you explain you do not know why you break the rules, you "just do". That mentality will not work on this server.

 As I have said many times before, Famcraft is a family friendly server. We strive to promote a stress-free, drama-free environment where people can come and play a game, and spend time with their families without concerns like unwanted pvp or players being rude or spammy in chat.

 I do hope you'll find another server that better suits your needs. Thank you for giving Famcraft a try.