
Author Topic: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft  (Read 7087 times)

Offline Luca_B123

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Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Opened on August 17, 2014, 03:56:31 PM »
Hey guys and gals, I am hosting a competition on here, the forums! The competition is a WRITING competition. I want you to write something, from a song to a story or a poem, about a mixture of Summer and Famcraft. I DO NOT want in people's songs people neglecting the fact that's its summer just to be nice to famcraft, this includes lines like
'Why go outside and have fun, when I can play famcraft' or 'The outside world stinks I have a summer to play famcraft' xD. It may seem nice to famcraft but this is about summer two. A good idea is to say things that you've done in famcraft and in real life too! Like exploring forests, meeting mooshrooms (I know I have seen them IRL), closing date has not been announced yet but get to your quill and paper, you have writing to do!

Prizes (If they are terrible, it's cuz I'm losing my money to iron blocks)
1st:  50k!
2nd: 30k
3rd: 20k

If you are writing a song it would be fun if you took on a song and changed it a bit.
Good Luck!

Offline Domsters931

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #1 on August 18, 2014, 07:20:43 AM (Edited August 19, 2014, 01:51:04 AM) »
Famcraft/ summer story.  Domsters931

    Once upon a time..  There was a young Domsters930 who was going to his first day at Famcraft Elementary school. Since he was only 5 years old, all of this was very new to him. His teachers name was StitchAKA626 and was the one of the nicest teachers at the school. They learned all sorts of stuff like how to go through a stargate and how to follow the rules of Famcraft City. It was such a cold place where Domsters930 lived that they had to have school in the summer and had to wear special donor shop armor in the winter, other wise they would loose their connection. Over the Sumer of having Mr. Stitchas his teacher they became very good friends. When Domsters930 was leaving from his last day of school, he was talking to his friends IggyL and quincey13. They were wondering who they were going to get the next year for a teacher. They decided that shouldn't be very worried. They said good bye to each other and Domsters930 went home to feed the horses. When he was done with that and all of his other chores he went to try to look in the back yard to find some items he needed for his toy that had broken. After about an hour of looking he finally found the materials. When he got inside and repaired the toy it was already time for supper. They were having cooked chicken and and broccoli (mini saplings). Domsters930 decided to watch Thoatt on MeTube. Thoatt was the most watched MeTuber on the web. After he watched a few videos he decided to get ready for bed because because it was 9:00.
                                                                              //time goes ahead 112.3 days\\

Domsters930 was walking to school and was experiencing the summer breezes after the long winter. He had gotten Rundrop as a teacher for 1st grade and also had one of his friends quincey13 in his class. IggyL had gotten  Miss. LovelyLaces.
 Mr. Rundrop loved to read so Domsters930 began to love to read. Everyday when he would go home he would read instead of playing with his toys or watching even watching Thoatt on MeTube :o :o. His favorite book was where there was a bunch of     
animals that come to life, and go into space, and go on mushroom planets, and like so on. Domsters930 really had his interesting tastes of books. Again walking home on his last day of first grade he was talking to his friends. They all agreed that they had had a awesome year.
                                              //time goes ahead and speeds through second grade\\

 This year Domsters930 was first getting on a bus (because he had moved) and then gotten off 4 blocks before school so he could still walk with his friends. And the janitor. They were the most excited ever for school because 3rd grade was special because u get your teacher by sitting in front of a large crowd and having a sorting hat put on your head. Oops, wrong story. Actually the teachers just don't tell u who u have until u get to school. Once he was at school we ran to the gym (after saying good bye to the janitor) to see what teacher he had gotten. Once he got into the gym he was asked to sit and when everyone was here the principal had a special announcement. Principal: Well everyone, since half way through this year well be the halfway mark of elementary school. We have a surprise for you all. Please welcome.. Drewsmagic!! Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be here. ( Drewsmagic was the beat magician ever) Everyone was amazed by the awesome tricks Drewsmagic would do. After about 45 min, he said well it looks like my time is up but I hope you all liked my show. Everyone cheered. Then the principle came back up and said now I well tell you you're teachers. It only took about 15 min and everyone was headed off to meet their teacher. Domsters930 and all his friends had gotten Miss.RubensCherub. Each teacher had their specialty and Miss. Rubens was math.
Domsters930 was beginning to love school so this was just perfect for him to add a new thing that he could have fun being able to do. He did pretty good on all of the tests and was you're pretty average student. On his last day of school he walked 4 blocks with his friends, said bye, and hopped on a bus for home.
                         //I well keep on adding more but just thought I would post my start\\

Offline DrewsMagicMonkey

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #2 on August 18, 2014, 04:12:02 PM »
love it domster lol

Offline Luca_B123

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #3 on August 19, 2014, 03:30:45 PM »
Great story domsters. xD... meTube.

Offline Lord_Puggy

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #4 on August 19, 2014, 05:36:34 PM »
My Story,
There was once a Puppy  his name was "Puggy"! he was the cutest dog in the world, and the whole kingdom loved him, then on a lovely summer day , there was such a fuss about this adorable Puppy The King Came out of his palace to meet him the great King zOracle, got of his magic golden pillow and said "Oh My What a cute Doggy" and then puggy rolled on his back and started rolling around, like a little Angel, and the king said " Who Owns This Dog" and a little man Popped up saying "Me" "i do My Lord" and then king zOracle said i will give u 1,000,000 Emeralds for him and the man In Greed, Said "Yes Thanks My Lord", Then Puggy Became a Much Loved Leader of the royal family he belongs to today

The End!
<Mickey> me being so smart, I thought I was jailed
<Mickey> so I typed /unjail Supermickey24
<Mickey> And now I'm stuck in jail...
<Mickey> jailed.
<Mickey> forever...
<Mickey> Halp
<Mickey> XD

Offline LightBulbasaur

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #5 on August 19, 2014, 06:45:36 PM »
The story of Bunny ;D

Once upon a time there was a newborn bunny, His name was Bugs. He grew older until he was 1 month old, by this time he could run, jump, see, and everything else a bunny would do. Eventually summer came, and this was a hot hot summer, however like most bunnies, he still played outside whenever he could. One night he got home and was so tired, He fell asleep on the couch. When he woke up he noticed something odd, His siblings weren't there to jump on him telling him to wake up! He jerked awake with surprise, where is my family? He wondered. Suddenly he saw that something was there that wasn't before, it was a portal. "Whats a portal doing here?" He wondered aloud. Then he saw something inside it, He gasped "It's my family inside the portal!" He jumped in not knowing what to expect... To be continued...
<FamCraftIRC> Supermickey24 was slain by Ender Dragon
<FamCraftIRC> (JrMod: ~BugsBunny) Dragon 1 Mickey 0
<FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Mickey) shh
<FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Mickey) I got dis
<FamCraftIRC> Supermickey24 was slain by Ender Dragon

Offline Luca_B123

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #6 on August 20, 2014, 05:42:49 AM »
Aww Puggy great story, i would have paid 1 more emerald than zO though, lol bunny, great cliffhanger. You are all doing great!

Offline Luca_B123

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Re: Writing competition! Summer with Famcraft
« Reply #7 on September 01, 2014, 02:26:17 AM »
Since no-one is entering :/ I'm gonna stop it here.
In 3rd Place is Puggy! Great Story!
In 2nd Place is Bunny! (Lightbulb). Funny Story!
In 1st Place is Domsters! I loved your story!