
Author Topic: plz could you set my bann to 2 days  (Read 12102 times)

Offline liam_kelly

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plz could you set my bann to 2 days
« Opened on September 25, 2012, 01:41:30 PM (Edited September 25, 2012, 06:11:31 PM) »
my bann is about griefing, at that moment in time i didn't know what griefing was,but my cousin joshthemister got a bann for 2 days but they said i wont bann u. But they banned me for 87566 hours for greifing same as my cousin, i think it is unfair because dkny called me a retard at my sister has a disability like that so i would call the police for it because of racist comment to me and my sister. so im very angry about this  :( >:(

Offline Th3Element05

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Re: plz could you set my bann to 2 days
« Reply #1 on September 25, 2012, 01:59:33 PM »
 You were arguing with bk about your grief as well as joshthemister's grief and his ban, that is the reason that you were banned on top of the temp ban you were bound to receive anyway for your grief.  Furthermore, I believe the reason bk wanted to temp ban you for such an excessive amount of time is because he intended to make the ban permanent, or otherwise force you to make a plea in order to return to the server, rather than just be able to wait out the ban for a couple of days.
Changing your ban is not up to me, you will need to wait for bk himself to respond to this plea.  But, angry or not, the tone of your plea does not make me think it will go in your favor.

I'm not even going to comment on the rest of the stuff in your post, for a number of reasons.

Offline Joshthemister

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Re: plz could you set my bann to 2 days
« Reply #2 on September 25, 2012, 02:02:30 PM »
Oh god (facepalm).

Offline bknysnake

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Re: plz could you set my bann to 2 days
« Reply #3 on September 25, 2012, 05:54:52 PM »
Thanks for reminding me, I have yet to switch it to a permban. Liam, I called you a retard cause when I asked you who told you to grief, which you stated someone told you, you acted like you didn't know who. When I asked that someone ban you for 365 days, that's when you all of a sudden remembered, so for trying to play like I was stupid, I called you a retard. This isn't your first time griefing, this is why you get a permban. Don't bother wasting your time pleaing cause I won't let you on the server again. If you feel the need of calling the cops on me, by all means please do. I'll warn you though, they'll probably just laugh in your face. Your brother only got 2 days cause it's his first offence.