I am the owner of the Titan clan and me and my co-leaders have decided to relocate our clan base. we have some builds that we decided not to keep and they are. a semi automatic farm for 75k. 3 homes as they are mine and my co-leaders old homes for 75k 50k and 100k. we have a large clan home for sale as well for 400k. and last but not least we have a recently built mansion with about 7 bedrooms 3 living rooms 2 spiral staircases it is 3 stories as the 3rd floor was ment to be a storage but can be made into another floor to live also a kitchen and other stuff (sorry to not explain all the things the house is really big) and it is for 750k
I will most likely be on so if your interested or want to see the builds just ask me or the co-leaders below

ps the house is fully furnished