Clan Chat > Forum Games

Who stole the _____ from the cookie jar!

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I stole the TNT! Oh wait...

Who stole my first aid kit... I hid it in the cookie jar...

I stole it cuz I felt like it. Wait, who stole my pet dragon from the cookie jar? Guys I have this cool thing on my Kindle when it's like this microphone thing when I speak into it it types it out and I'm using it right now to really cool.

I did, I wanted a new pet dragon, I accidentally lost my old pet dragon. Fluffy will forever be remembered.   :( :P
Who stole Mickry's Tail from the cookie jar?

I,did. Who stole the mold could from the cookie jar?😈😈

So that's where my tail went.

I stole it, because you stole my tail ;-;

Who stole my forum game from the cookie jar?


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