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Who stole the _____ from the cookie jar!

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I stole the glue from the cookie jar because I needed it to glue my tape to my binder back on.

Who stole my binder from the cookie jar! Wait, if I didn't have my binder to use the glue on, where is my binder?

Very good question, Connor, but the answer is simple:book binders never existed! They were only a figment of everyone's imagination, that means no one stole it.

Who stole my crazy theory about the existence of book binders from the cookie jar?

I did! Just o test if it was true.

Who stole the Wooden horse doll from the cookie jar?

you did to test if I would notice it was missing...

who stole me from the cookie jar? it was warm in there :o and so many cookies... mmm

~Madam Cookie~:
Who stole ME from the cookie jar?


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