Clan Chat > Forum Games

Who stole the _____ from the cookie jar!

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I stole your pitchfork from the cookie jar.
Who stole my food forum game from the cookie jar. (Btw I know who.. Puggy. JK  :P)

Lel, I stole it because I told Puggie to make it! (I didn't but ya know XD)

Who stole the butterscotch pudding from the cookie jar?

I stole de budderscotch puddin from de cookie jar (Srry mickey)

Who stole the oatmeal raisin cookies from the cookie jar? ( i wanted dem D:)

I didn't steal them, I hate raisins.

Who stole the milk from the cookie jar?

I stole the milk from the cookie jar, then poured it down the drain coz it was expired
Who stole Mickey from the cookie jar?


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