
Author Topic: creamofwheat29 was temp-banned  (Read 3159 times)

Offline jacketsniffer

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creamofwheat29 was temp-banned
« Opened on November 12, 2014, 08:26:59 PM »
Hello Admins,

I am the dad for creamofwheat29 and she found out she was banned.  Could you please let us know what she was temp-banned for?

Near the end of her last session yesterday Kronos03 let her know that she broke a dirt block in the ProFarm and broke another block in the melon farm.  He let her know and she wanted to fix it right away, so she replaced them under Kronos03's guidance.  She checked with him that everything was fixed and alright, and she gave him a pickaxe to be friendly. 

Was it related to this or was there something else ?

Thank you for your guidance!

-Dad of creamofwheat29.

p.s. I'm dad of infinitymana and creamofwheat29, we've been reading the rules and trying to follow them in all regards.  I pointed out Kronos's presence and stayed with creamofwheat29 while she fixed the issues.  But I/we may have missed something.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: creamofwheat29 was temp-banned
« Reply #1 on November 12, 2014, 09:01:21 PM (Edited November 12, 2014, 09:03:32 PM) »
 Thank you for taking the time to help CreamofWheat29 post a plea.

 A home outside of Random StarGate #1 had been griefed by a total of six players. This included infinitymana and creamofwheat29. Each player involved was banned. These bans may have varied in length depending on the players past record with us. Creamofwheat29 was banned for one day for griefing as she had no other history of issues. We take the griefing rules very seriously here.

 Infinitymana was not banned because he was banned for something else shortly after the time the grief occurred, and we knew you had already had the chance to review the rules with him. He has since been doing just fine here  8)

 Shortly after CreamofWheat29 was banned 1 day for griefing, it was found that she had walked past the rules signs at the free farm, and taken only the parts of the mushroom she needed. Again, not removing the entire mushroom makes it so no more can grow for other players. At this time, her ban was upped to a three day tempban.

 As with infinitymana, if you would like to review the rules with her, and stress the importance of taking the whole tree/mushroom and replanting as well as not griefing here, then post a reply letting us know she understands, we can try to get her back on here sooner.

 We log every block transacton, item transaction and entity transaction on the server, so we can always tell who did what. If it helps eith your discussion/rule review, here are some things that count as griefing-

* Removing any block another player placed without that player's permission

*Placing a protection stone in another player's area

*Harvesting another player's crops without their permission

*Killing another player's animals without their permission

*Claiming/protecting another players pet without permission (Example: taming a wolf, protectign a horse)

*Removing/changing landscape features in another players "yard" (What is directly visible from their home)

*Placing blocks in another player's area without permission

 *Taking items from another player's chest without permission (Stealing/griefing)

*Keeping a players items after PvP if you did not agree to at first (Stealing)

*Not replanting at public/shared/clan farms

Offline jacketsniffer

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Re: creamofwheat29 was temp-banned
« Reply #2 on November 12, 2014, 10:07:28 PM »
Hello RubensCherub,

Thank you for letting us know about the issues.  I fully support your moderation, the kids love the server, and I'm quite pleased by the community you've built here.

Regarding the issues:
(1) Home outside stargate #1 - creamofwheat29 and infinitymana said they thought the house looked 'abandoned' and thought they could use it for resources (one took wood, other took wool).  In hindsight they think it was under construction.  They know acknowledge that they should not have done that and they are truly sorry.  We took a look at it right now and they both like the house that was built.  They acknowledge that it is griefing to do what they did, and they will respect everything under construction.

(2) Mushrooms - Creamofwheat29 says: "now looking back at it now i remember walking past the signs and breaking the small mushrooms not the big ones thats when i went back and read the signs to only break the break the big ones thats when i went back and planted them all but i may have missed one. I am truly sorry to those who came after i had left and knowing that someone had griefed them. Next time i will remove the whole mushroom and  take care not to make any more mistakes.- creamofwheat29"

Dad here again. I have gone through the rules with both players and they understand them now.

Finally, here is Creamofwheat29's request for being un-tempbanned:"i am truly sorry for what i have done i will respect others even if it's something thats looks apandoned i will leave it alone. i hope you forgive what i have done i hope i can play by tommorw for i lovee this server!-creamofwheat29"

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: creamofwheat29 was temp-banned
« Reply #3 on November 12, 2014, 10:18:24 PM »
 Thank you. The logs show brown mushroom top blocks being what was removed by CreamofWheat, if that helps her remember.

 Also, on Famcraft we never consider anything abandoned. If it was placed by a player, within our rules, it remains forever.
 Our map is 2.5 years old, and we still protect builds as old as the map it's self, even when players are permbanned. We do this out of respect for our Famcrafters. I have seen players return over a year later, and be both amazed and delighted to find their builds still intact. :D If CreamofWheat and infinitymana every take a long break, they can rest assured when they return, they will find their builds are still here too  8)

 CreamofWheat has been pardoned and we will look forward to seeing her back on the server.