
Author Topic: a misunderstood joke  (Read 5789 times)

Offline XtremeAlex33

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a misunderstood joke
« Opened on November 17, 2014, 03:09:15 PM »
Hello fine famcrafters,
Today I was banned, for something that was intended as a clean, family frendily joke, but was clearly misinterpreted. My friend Crafted_British was killed by the endor dragon, and so I joked: don't stroke the ender dragon :p. What I meant was, moments before he had died, he had jumped at the dragon and hit it, which to me looked like he was petting it, like a dog or cat. He clearly found this funny, hence the message: LOL. Some seconds later, I was permabanned with the message, Nope, not here. I was shocked as this was not meant dirtily/offensively  at all. I do understand what this could be interepted as, and will be more careful in future.
I hope that you consider my case,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: a misunderstood joke
« Reply #1 on November 17, 2014, 03:23:45 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to explain. We have perm-banned with no plea for statements very similar to this in the past. Remarks like this are almost always an inappropriate reference.

  Because you have been a great player, and we've never had any issues with you, I do believe you did not intend for the statement to be the reference it appeared to be. Please try to be very careful with comments like this in the future.
 We will look forward to seeing you back on the server.