
Author Topic: Can you lift the ban on madmoggie please  (Read 4901 times)

Offline madmoggie

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Can you lift the ban on madmoggie please
« Opened on November 15, 2014, 03:26:34 AM »
I am madmoggies father and what happened was that madmoggie (9 years old) was killed near another player and their stuff got put into one pile which my son then collected. Apparently we then yelled at him to log off and come and have his dinner, immediately. ( Which we do!) When he went to sign in again, after dinner,  he found he was banned.
This has caused much upset and  he has tried to sort this out himself but apparently he has been trying via email which isn't allowed. He now realises how this would have looked to the other player and administrators and is very sorry for any upset he had inadvertently caused and will be wary of ensuring that he only logs out after completing any appropriate actions. And for our part we will listen to him if he says that he needs to do something before logging out.  With this in mind could you please reinstate him to the server?

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Can you lift the ban on madmoggie please
« Reply #1 on November 20, 2014, 12:30:54 AM »
 Thank you for taking the time to plea. I apologize for the delay in our reply. We do appreciate your explanation of the events. Madmoggie has been pardoned and can return whenever he is ready.

 After careful review of the punishment, I can certainly see how this misunderstanding could have taken place. The conversation we have logged made it very much appear madmoggie simply took what he wanted from the items on the ground, and logged off.

11:33:05 <FamCraftIRC> (Springmango) gg
11:33:38 <FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Kronos~) madmoggie dont keep taking her things ok
11:33:54 <FamCraftIRC> (madmoggie) but there were my things in the pile!
11:34:13 <FamCraftIRC> (Springmango) I accidentally walked throgh your stuff earlier sorry
11:34:35 <FamCraftIRC> (Springmango) I dont have any weapons...
11:34:47 <FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Kronos~) madmoggie..
11:34:49 <FamCraftIRC> (madmoggie) gtg bye
11:34:51 <FamCraftIRC> [madmoggie disconnected]
11:34:53 <FamCraftIRC> (Springmango) D:
11:34:55 <FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Kronos~) oh no

 We take the rules very seriously here, so when we believed someone had intentionally stolen from another player, we wanted to make sure it would not happen again.

 Again, I do apologize for the delay in the reply. We will look forward to seeing madmoggie back on the server.