I like swamplands best. They have always been my favorite biome and they just keep getting better.
Green is my favorite color, and swamp colors are within the range of my some of my favorite shades of green. I love vines, and I especially love the vines on the trees as they remind me of my favorite type of tree, the weeping willow.
Then you also have the subtle water color changes in the swamp biome giving it a greenish tint as well. Add the lilypads to the surface, and it just can't get any better than that!
OR can it... ? It can! With splashes of bright red and beige mushrooms and now the additional contrast of the vibrant blue orchids (my favorite shade of blue!) against the deep woodland green swamp grass the swamp is by far the prettiest biome, in my opinion. Toss in the chance to run across a rare witch hut and you just can't beat it!
This is a fun poll, and I look forward to reading about everyone's favorite biomes