Pleas and Troubleshooting > Bugs and glitches

Tilling Land| Glitche.


Everytime I till the land at my farms, it says I've griefed, when I obviously haven't. I know that happens because a lot of things are being changed at one time, and the grief revert systems are a bit picky. Maybe make it a little less touchy? :P

When you enter a grief revert field the a message comes up. This does not mean that you have griefed this just means that you've simply just entered a grief revert field. No worries  ;)

In the description of the plugin I cleary state you have to remove the gold block when editing a room. If you use a tool it can revert it back to the way it was when you place the gold block. You must remove it, after you're done doing what you needed to do, you place the block back.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't read the plugin info. Can you send me a link for that? I know your QUITE busy, but please? XD Thanks for the reply!  ;D

You can find plugin information through it's name on this page:

The one you're looking for is called precious stones


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