There are other ways to do this, but this is the easiest way to add color to your books will likely be to copy the codes below to your clipboard, then paste them into your book, and start typing.
To copy and paste the code:
1.) left click and drag your mouse to highlight ONLY the color code, the color code is the § symbol and the character next to it.
2.) On your keyboard, press ctrl+c to copy the color code.
3.) Click in the open book on Minecraft where you want to type.
4.) Press ctrl + v on your keyboard to paste the code. You WILL NOT see the code or symbol pasted into your book. They are invisible
5.) Start typing right where you pasted the invisible color code. Your words should be the color indicated by the code.

Code = Color
§0 =
Black§1 =
Dark Blue§2 =
Dark Green§3 =
Dark Aqua§4 =
Red§5 =
Dark Purple§6 =
Gold§7 =
Gray§8 =
Dark Gray§9 =
Blue §a =
Green§b =
Aqua §c =
Light Red§d =
Light Purple§e =
Yellow§f =
§l =
Bold§m =
Strikethrough§n =
Underline§o =
Italic§r = reset formatting or color to normal