
Author Topic: How soon should I expect a reply to my plea?  (Read 13790 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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How soon should I expect a reply to my plea?
« Opened on January 02, 2015, 12:17:29 PM (Edited December 14, 2018, 09:19:18 PM) »
 It can take a very long time to receive a reply to your plea. Pleas are NOT our top priority as we do make the rules very clear, up front. If you break a rule and get yourself banned, we don't tend to be in a huge hurry to see you back in game.
  The players who are currently on the server following all the rules and requiring assistance from the staff and admin team take priority over the pleas of banned players. We do get to these pleas as soon as we reasonably feel that we can be that days, weeks. months or longer. Very good players who have made a simple mistake and plea immediately often get faster replies- but not always.

 Posting multiple pleas or posting replies to yourself on your plea thread will in no way help speed up this process. Sometimes, posting additional pleas or replies can get you banned from the forum until we have time to review your plea and make a decision. Adding hateful comments to your plea will simply make sure you stay banned.

 Additionally, sending forum mail directly to staff members may cause further delay. Please do not mail a staff member about your plea. We all visit the forum frequently throughout the day. If you have posted, we will see it.