Everyone knows of the many / commands available on Famcraft. There are always the /help pages in game to help you find commands, but not all commands are listed in detail. Hopefully this page will show some of the commands and explain what they do, especially some of the more unknown ones.
Travel Commands –/spawn --> teleports you to spawn, where the rules are found (and many other things if you choose to explore

/warp sg --> teleports you to the sg (stargate) area, where many sgs are located, including the free farms
/warp mall --> this command brings you to the main mall, where there are many shops and also sgs to other malls, with more shops
/warp money --> go here to get 1000 famcoins per day

/warp --> there are many warp places available. Doing /warp will give you a list of all the places you can warp to.
/back --> this command will bring you back to the place of your death when you die. This costs 500 famcoins.
Home Commands –/home --> gives you a list of your homes. You can have 3 homes and a bed.
/sethome [name] --> this sets a home at where you are. You can name your home to help you know which is which. RECOMMENDED – use a NAME for your home, NOT a NUMBER.
/delhome [name] --> Deletes the home you named.
/home [home name] --> allows you to travel to the home you named. This does not cost any famcoins.
PS Stones –/ps --> shows all ps commands
/ps setname [name] -- lets you name your PS field. It will also display the name if you have welcome/farewell toggled on.
/ps allow [playername] --> this command allows you to add other people to your ps field
/ps allowall [name] -- this lets you allow a player into ALL of your PS fields at once.
/ps allowed --> this command tells you who is allowed in a ps field
/ps remove [playername] --> this command removes an allowed player from your ps field
/ps Removeall [name] -- This lets you remove a player from ALL of your ps fields at once.
/ps toggle prevent-explosions --> this command either allows or prevents explosions on your ps field. Explosions are prevented by default, but allowing explosions allows you to use TNT.
/ps toggle welcome-message --> you know when you enter a ps field and it says something like: “Entering ThisPlayer’s City Protection” over and over if you are going in and out? This command turns this message on and off, so that you don’t have to see it all the time if it annoys you.
/ps toggle farewell-message --> this command does the same as above, but this time it disables the leaving message of your ps (Thank you Miss_Ghouls for reminding me of this one

/ps toggle prevent-mob-spawn --> this command will let you protect an area with your spawners in it, but still allow the mobs to spawn within that PS region
/ps locations -- lets you see the coordinates of all of your own PS fields (in case you bury them/can't find them)
/ps visualize --> allows you to see the size of the ps field you are in. Glass will appear around the edges of the field and will eventually disappear with no damage to any of your structures.
/ps on --> this will turn your ps on if it is off. When you place a ps stone, the ps is turned on by default
/ps off --> this will turn your ps off. NOTE: Turning a ps off will allow mobs to spawn inside your structures. Be careful
Horses --/h or /horse --> shows all horse commands
/horse list --> gives you the names of all your horses.
/horse tp [name] --> this command allows you to tp your horse to you. There is no cost to tp your horse.
/horse unprotect <horsename> - allows you to unprotect a horse.
/horse addmember <horsename> <playername> - allows you to add another person to ride that horse.
/horse delmember <horsename> <playername> - allows you to remove a person previously allowed to ride that horse.
TP Commands –/tpa [playername] --> sends a request to that player for you to tp to them – costs you 100 famcoins
/tpahere [playername] --> sends a request for that player to tp to you – costs you 100 famcoins
/tpaccept --> accepts a /tpa request, either to go or to receive
/tpdeny --> denies a /tpa request. You can use this command if someone is trying to tp to you who you don't know. Or you can wait for 20 seconds to pass, where the request will expire.
/call [playername] --> this command is similar to the /tpa command
Status Commands –/afk --> stands for away from keyboard. This will indicate that you are away from the keyboard for the moment. It will cause purple type to come on screen saying that you are away from keyboard. You can type this command again when you get back on, or just start moving around.
(/me) --> this command allows you to say something about yourself. This stands out from the rest of the text. NOTE: do not use this often. It can get spammy. and Do not use this command when there is a tour going on. It is visible in the tour chat. (I had to put it in parenthesis because the command works on the forum too! Don't put the parenthesis around them when you actually use it)
Messaging Commands – Note: you need to write your message after the command listed/msg [playername] --> this command sends a private message to an online player
/r --> this allows you to reply to a private message from the same player so you don’t have to do /msg [playername again]
/mail send [playername] --> this command sends a message to an offline player that they will be able to see when they get online.
/mail read --> this command allows you to see any messages you were sent when you were offline
/mail clear --> this command gets rid of any mail you have
Money Commands –/bal or /money --> tells you your own balance
/baltop --> gives you a list of the people with the most money
/bal [playername] --> allows you to see the balance of another person
/raffle --> this gives you all the info about the raffle, including when the next one is, the current balance, how many tickets you have and who the previous winner was
/raffle buy [number] --> allows you to buy a certain number of raffle tickets. Each ticket is 200 famcoins
/pay [playername] [amount] --> this command allows you to pay another online player.
/buy [item] --> this command allows you to find stores that sell an item you are looking for. NOTE: some items, especially those who have two word names (ex. Fence Gate, Flint and Steel) need to be put as one word. For example, /buy fencegate or /buy flintandsteel
/sell [item] --> same as above, except this is if you want to sell
LWC Commands -/lwc - shows all lwc commands
/id --> this command gives you the id of the item you are holding at the time. This is useful for the weird items you are trying to sell in a shop. For example, you can't put My Head as an item description because it won't sell right. Using /id and then putting that id on the sign will allow you to sell it.
/lock - allows you to make things private, so no one else can use them. Doors, chests, furnaces, signs, etc. Most items are locked by default, except for doors and trapdoors. Lock it if you are unsure. Type this command and then hit your item to lock it.
/unlock - allows you to make things public, such as a furnace you want available to everyone. Type this command and then hit your item to unlock it.
/cmodify [playername] - allows you to make things public to certain people, such as unlocking doors for friends or roommates with out making it public to everyone. Type this command and then hit your item to unlock it.
/cpersist - causes your commands to persist. For example, if you want to unlock a bunch of chests in your home, you can do this command, and then do /cmodify and keep hitting the chests without typing /cmodify a lot. do /cpersist again to turn it off.
/cpassword [password] - creates a password protected item, like a door that only opens for a certain word.
/lwc flag autoclose --> make your doors close automatically after a few seconds
Clan Commands- /clan --> shows all clan commands
/clan roster --> shows clan members and who is online. I don't think the days since last active column is accurate, but its helpful to know if anyone else is online.
/clan clanchat join --> allows you to join a chat within your clan
/clan clanchat leave --> allows you to leave a clan chat
/clan home --> teleports you to your clan's home. This does not require any famcoins
/clan sethome --> LEADERS ONLY allows you to set your clan's home
/bb add (message) --> Adds a message to the bulletin board (bb) for your clan. Color codes can be used in bb messages
/bb view --> Views the bb
/bb clear --> clears the bb (I believe this is a Clan Leader's only thing)
/bank balance --> views your clan bank's balance
/bank withdraw (amount) --> allows you to take money out of the clan bank NOTE: this is for clan leaders and specific ranks only. Most players are not allowed access to the clan's bank.
/bank deposit (amount) --> allows you to deposit money into your clan's bank. NOTE: Most players are not allowed access to the clan's bank. Unless you are a clan leader or a rank with permission, you cannot get back what you deposit. As such, this is a DONATION to your clan.
Miscellaneous Commands--/call-wolves --> this command calls all of your dogs to you. I do not know if there is a similar one for cats, but hopefully I will find out soon!
If you think of any commands that I missed, comment below and I will update the list. Enjoy!