There are shops in the Ravine Mall still open that anyone can buy for 15k a piece! Here is the list of the available shops! I will update this topic as needed

Here is the list of shops owned by people, too, which I didn't think to add earlier.
Shop 1-A XxCatAngelxX
Shop 1-B redstone4023
Shop 1-C ~Bossk
Shop 1-D ChiefCrazyCow
Shop 1-E Vacant!
Shop 1-F egijr
Shop 1-G GentleSeeker
Shop 1-H GraysonandColby
Shop 1-I DiRT_NuG
Shop 1-J XtremeGamer45
Shop 1-K Vacant!
Shop 1-L serikwhite02
Shop 1-M cardinalland
Shop 1-N SingAsong4ever
Shop 1-O Mrclean72DAD
Shop 1-P rivasjac, club8647cw, VioletKitten8
Shop 1-Q Skribblz2015, TrueMinecraftGuy
Shop 1-R RedoLiori
Shop 1-S jacknicholls1
Shop 1-T Magnolia81
Shop 1-U marcyani06
Shop 1-V Marmelade11