
Author Topic: Banned and sorry for the misunderstanding  (Read 4854 times)

Offline Riddlebark

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Banned and sorry for the misunderstanding
« Opened on January 27, 2015, 08:58:20 PM »
I was banned today and feel badly about the misunderstanding. I was playing with my friend and we were in his clan area, I was in PVP but forgot that he wasn't, we were joking around and I tried to shoot him with an arrow. He moved and it missed him and accidentally hit someone's donkey. I am sorry for this mistake, and I know it is not allowed to kill others animals. Im very sorry this happened. I miss playing this game already and really like this server so much better than the other PVP servers I used to play. I hope you will lift the ban but if not I understand. Thank you.
i am a video games champ. i win 3 of every 4 games i play. lol

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Banned and sorry for the misunderstanding
« Reply #1 on January 28, 2015, 12:13:24 AM »
 Thank you for taking the time to plea. We have been doing this for a very long time, and we have seen many pleas like this. This simple fact is, the donkey was tied to a post with a sign stating "Do not kill this Donkey" and you killed it. Period. If it were me who inspected this, I would have perm banned you. As it is, you got lucky and got a 3 day temp ban. You will be waiting out the entire three day ban. If anything even vaguely similar to this happens again, you'll not be welcome back here. I advise you to take this time to think about why what you did was not very nice.