First of all I want to say I love the new Skyblock area for our server. I have long been a fan off Skyblock, and coupled with the Famcraft environment it makes it all the better. Originally when I seen Anna (RubensCherub) announce the new addition, she told us to let her know of any glitches that we find along the way; and while I haven't found any glitches there is a small list of things I have been trying to keep track of that would enhance the Skyblock experience.
There are a Number of items that are currently impossible to get your hands on in order to make certain things, or some problematic situations that could easily be remedied;
1. Diamonds
2. Alternate tree saplings (birch, spruce, etc...)
3. Sand
4. Dirt
5. Lava or Obsidian (for Nether access and crafting)
I would like to propose a trade air-ship that could offer some of the things that are unobtainable. Some items that players normally start with could also be sold there to keep the Admins from needing to reset islands as well. Anna or one of the other Admins could add in another Skyblock area, give it an airdock, and place an airship there complete with a trade section.
I did an airship (small one) a while back to house server rules, thought I would go ahead and post an image here.