
Author Topic: was banned  (Read 5284 times)

Offline claire

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was banned
« Opened on January 27, 2015, 08:36:32 PM »
not sure what happened, but my daughter was banned. I would like to know why so I could explain to her why and if it is no too much trouble would like to get her unbanned.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: was banned
« Reply #1 on January 28, 2015, 12:06:02 AM »
 Thank you for taking the time to plea for your child.

 Claire has had a few issues here. At first, she was typing in all caps. We could not get her to stop until she got Dad to the keyboard to help her turn caps locks off. Since then, the caps have not been an issue.
 She has also been kicked once for spam. She sent a long series of "xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo" into chat.

 Finally, she griefed another players home and was tempbanned. Shortly after that, it was found she had griefed another player's home and also killed their horse.

 Every block transaction on this server is logged and recorded so we can always be certain which player has griefed.

 All players here, regardless of their age, need to be able to understand and follow the rules in order to play on this server. If you would like to go over the rules with your child and help her understand what is and is not allowed, we would be happy to give her another chance to play here. Just post a reply to this when you feel she is ready.

 To help you both understand a little more about griefing, Here are some of the things that count as griefing-

* Removing any block another player placed without that player's permission

*Placing a protection stone in another player's area

*Harvesting another player's crops without their permission

*Killing another player's animals without their permission

*Claiming/protecting another players pet without permission (Example: taming a wolf, protecting a horse)

*Removing/changing landscape features in another players "yard" (What is directly visible from their home)

*Placing blocks in another player's area without permission

 *Taking items from another player's chest without permission (Stealing/griefing)

*Keeping a players items after PvP if you did not agree to at first (Stealing)

*Not replanting at public/shared/clan farms

*Leaving any locked item such as a chest, furnace or pet in another player's space or a public location

Offline claire

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Re: was banned
« Reply #2 on January 30, 2015, 04:19:13 PM »
I have reviewed the rules with Claire. can you please unban her. I think she has learned her lesson.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: was banned
« Reply #3 on February 02, 2015, 09:41:50 PM »
 Claire is pardoned. Thank you for going over the rules with her. If we find any more greifing from her it will most likely be a perm ban with no plea option. We take the no griefing rules very seriously here. We will see Claire on the server.