
Author Topic: How to find your coordinates  (Read 5063 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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How to find your coordinates
« Opened on February 12, 2015, 03:05:28 PM (Edited February 12, 2015, 03:40:28 PM) »
 We receive a lot of Admin request with no coordinates or coords that have been noted incorrectly. This post is intended to help explain what coords are, and how to find them.

  Coordinates are the numbers used to explain your exact position on the map. (Or even on the Earth irl! But this is about Minecraft). Your coordinates change with every single step you take. :O  Your Minecraft coordinates are made up of 3 numbers. Those numbers are known as your X,Y and Z coordinates.

 I found this great image to help illustrate how these coordinates work:

(Credit: "Coord system CA 0" by Jorge Stolfii - listed as public domain, modified by us to fit with Minecraft's coordinate system)

 To find your coordinates on Minecraft on a Windows based pc, press the F3 key. On a Mac, I believe you will need to press FN AND F3 at the same time.

 This should display a screen with all kinds of numbers and info. It will look like this:

But you only need to focus on one area of this information, which I have color coded here:

 You only need the numbers I have highlighted green, the x,y and z numbers. You can ignore everything from the blue colored decimal point onward. We do not need that information. Please pay close attention to the x,y and z numbers. Sometimes there is an "-" in front, a minus sign, noting that it is a negative coordinate. There is a world of difference between x: 501, y:71 , z:1,687 and x: 501, y:71 , z:-1,687. Please make sure you always include the proper "-" sign but ONLY if it is actually present, don't use it for a spacer or divider symbol when you are noting coordinates.

 Another option is to stand in one place and type /coords

 This will provide information about your coordinates. Again, we ONLY need the x,y and z number here:

 If you need coordinates for a platform or world edit way up in the sky, it's okay to simply add to your Y coordinate. You do not actually have to block jump up there if you know about how high up you would like the platform to be.

 For example, if you are standing at x:501,y:70, z:1687 on the ground is your "y" level: 70 .
 If the ground is y level 70, and you want a platform about 50 feet up, then you can say 70 + 50 = 120. You now know you want your platform placed at level y:120.
 You would replace your y coordinate with this new number. Your new coords would be  x:501,y:120,z:1678.

 When you are providing coordinates for an Admin request, take into consideration what you actually want or need done. Some requests only need one coordinate, while others need two or more.

 If you need  a spawner placed, we only need ONE coordinate. We need to know where you would like the spawner placed.

 If you need a home moved, we need coordinates to the old location, and the new location.

 If you want a platform placed, or land cleared in a very precise area, we need coordinates for two diagonally opposite corners.

 However.. if you need a dirt platform placed or land cleared in a less exact area, you can always give us a single coordinate, and say something similar to "I would like a 100x100 area of land cleared to seal-level. The center should be: x:#####,y:##,z:####."  We can work with that just fine as long as you make sure to type the coordinates correctly.