
Author Topic: unban plea - Apoligy to Ruben  (Read 4644 times)

Offline SoulFullNess

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unban plea - Apoligy to Ruben
« Opened on February 22, 2015, 11:34:42 AM (Edited February 22, 2015, 11:39:00 AM) »
Dear Ruben,

I understand the reasoning of why you banned me from Famcraft. I was showing a negative attitude and disrespect, I truely Apoligize for my poor behavior. You were only doing it for the sake of the server, I understand if I broke a rule or two that I should've read again. I'm honestly and truely sorry for my errors. I did deserved the mute and ban for my crimes. If you accept my pardon, I would do the best I can to be respectful and caring. I would'nt or Will not show anymore negative comments or argument to you or any staff members or players. I was only trying to be helpful to the server. If you dont accept my pardon, then I would understand

Thank you

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: unban plea - Apoligy to Ruben
« Reply #1 on February 22, 2015, 03:51:08 PM »
 Thank you. You've been with us a very long time and aside from being argumentative from time to time, you've not been a problem.
 There is never a need to argue when you are corrected or asked to do/not do something by any staff member. We have no interest in arguing. A simple "ok" will always let things move right along so everyone can get back to Minecrafting.
 You have my respect for a well written plea. Welcome back to the server.