Clan Chat > Forum Games
Forum game: Lie to me
Lie to me is a fun game where you list 3 things about yourself, one being a lie. What you to do is guess the lie from the person.
Ex: I like McDonalds, I Love subway, I have a pet monkey
The lie would be i have a pet monkey
Once the person guessed the lie they can start a new one about themself.
This this a fun way to get to know other players! Hope you enjoy
I love magic irl
I have 3 sisters
I love basketball
Guess the lie >:>
The lie is that you love basketball
I have been to Chicago 3 times and love the city.
I have been to Madison Wisconsin once and loved it
I have been to Florida and love Disney World the most
The lie is that you have been to Madison, Wisconsin once and loved it
My name is Rowan irl
I am an only child
I live in Idaho
You lie is that your name is rowan right?
I love soccer
I have been to Texas
My favorite mob in minecraft is Charged creeper
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