
Author Topic: Temp banned because i was timed out of the server.  (Read 4897 times)

Offline NickApokalypse

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Temp banned because i was timed out of the server.
« Opened on February 24, 2015, 07:58:25 AM »
Hey Ruben,

I was taming a horse and when i got back to my house some people told me how to teleport it to me. I typed what they told me to type and the computer said: (Done)

My computer lost the connection to the server. When i tried to log back in it said i was banned for a week. I was going too try to get my horse back a gain but when i logged on the computer noticed that i had left my horse in the farm and logged off. I did not log off, my computer lost the connection.

We have been having connection problems with the server in my house. If you check the logs for my dad that night "StefanConquero" you will notice that he lost his connection several times too. Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you understand.

:0 That squid is big!

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Temp banned because i was timed out of the server.
« Reply #1 on February 24, 2015, 10:22:27 PM »
Hi Nick,

 Thank you for taking the time to plea, and explain. This explains part of the issue, but it still leaves a lot of questions.

 I don't doubt you have internet issues. I have seen this with both you and your father's account.
 The first problem is, there are literally signs EVERYWHERE at the free horse farm telling you NOT to protect animals and leave them at the farm. There are also very detailed instructions posted in multiple places all around the farm. There is absolutely no excuse I can think of for taming several horses, and simply leaving them there.
 When you do this, other player's can not claim those horses, and the spawner won't keep spawning new ones for other players because there are too many animals near it. This is why we make it very clear you are not to leave animals there.

 (Dad- if you want to see this for yourself- /warp sg, then the stargate on the inside right of the room, the location called "pets" and into the door labeled "Horses".)

 When asked about it "I am lazy" was your reply. This is not really a very good reply.

 Chief asked you over and over again as politely as he possibly could to please come remove your horses. You ignored him quite a bit, put him off, told him you would "in a minute", tried to justify it with "I am lazy", and really acted if you had zero intention of ever doing as you were asked.
  I would estimate I saw him ask you to please remove them over a period of 8-10 mins. That's a lot of time for a staff member to have to spend begging one player to follow the rules.

 Honestly, I would have banned you after I asked a couple of times and you ignored me. I have a lot of respect for the patience Chief used in this situation.

 I am sorry, but I will need to see a much better plea to consider an early pardon.

Offline NickApokalypse

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Re: Temp banned because i was timed out of the server.
« Reply #2 on February 25, 2015, 07:23:54 AM »
Hi Ruben,

This is Nick's dad. I encouraged him to submit a plea due to the computer issue. Needless to say, he didn't tell me about his interactions with Chief, so I am glad you left the ban in place.

He has been reading other player's pleas and the circumstances that led to their bans, so I think he has a better understanding of the importance of following the rules and listening to the staff. Hopefully we will see some better behavior when he comes back on the server.

:0 That squid is big!

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Temp banned because i was timed out of the server.
« Reply #3 on February 25, 2015, 01:05:44 PM »
 Thank you for understanding. Nick is still very welcome to plea again. When a player posts a plea we just to be 100% sure they understand why they were banned, and how to avoid being banned for the same thing again in the future. Thanks again.