
Author Topic: 3 Day Ban  (Read 5466 times)

Offline bertdr

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3 Day Ban
« Opened on March 17, 2015, 06:56:42 AM »
Hi, this is bertdr - I am bertdw 's parent. I have been playing on your server for a few weeks now. Yesterday, bertdw was banned for three days. Can you confirm the reason for his ban so that I can provide some coaching to him?



Offline RubensCherub

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Re: 3 Day Ban
« Reply #1 on March 17, 2015, 02:50:16 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to post this plea. I can explain the reason for the ban. If you talk it over with your child if they understand why they were banned you can reply here to let us know and we can lift the ban early.

 Your child was banned for leaving two horses in the free pet farm.

 On Famcraft we  have a public pet farm. Players are able to claim and protect horses at this farm. Your horses can then be teleported to your home with a simple command.
 There are many signs all over the small area where the horses are available that explain how to protect and teleport a horse.
 There are also signs reminding players not to leave their protected animals in the farm area. We make it clear that if animals are left at the farm the player who abandons them may be tempbanned.

 One of the reasons it is so important that players take their claimed horses home with them is because this free pet farm is based on the use of a spawner which continually produces new horses. This makes it so there are plenty of animals for all the players. When protected horses are left near the spawner area, the spawner ceases to produce horses.

 We used to offer free dogs as well, but this same type of protect and abandon issue got so out of hand we had actually had to completely remove the free dogs from the pet farm. We really hope to be able to keep the horses in place as the players really do seem to enjoy the easy access to them.

 I hope this explanation helps you understand a bit more about the ban. If you would like to see the area along with the horse protection instructions and warning signs mentioned above, please visit /warp sg, then turn right inside the door. There is a Stargate called "Free Farms". Right click the sign to select the "Pets" option, then press the button and walk in. You will see a door marked "Horses", go through that door and you'll be able to see the horse area.

 Again, thank you for taking the time to ask for the details of the ban.

Offline bertdr

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Re: 3 Day Ban
« Reply #2 on March 18, 2015, 08:35:25 AM (Edited March 18, 2015, 12:47:21 PM) »

Thanks for the background. I had a conversation with my son about the horse farm. I will admit that I have never been there myself. He indicated that he attempted to teleport the horse but kept getting a "this horse does not exist" message. My older son "bertem" confirmed that he tried to help him but also received the message. I will educate myself on the horse farm. In addition, I instructed "bertdw" to get me involved if he has an issue like this in the future. Our apologies for this mishap. I certainly understand how this negatively impacted the community.
