Hey miners from across the globe!
I am finally returning to Famcraft, after a loooong break. I'm sorry to whatever my absence may have caused

However, I'd like to take this opportunity to say a few words.
First, of thanks:
Thank you, Redolori, for ensuring that I stick here.
Thank you, Anna, for keeping this server safe, and fun too

Thank you, Iron, for taking me under your (mesa shaped) wing.
Thank you, Trent2666, for being the best clan leader I could have, and a fair, just one till the end.
I could keep on going, but I'd end up thanking everyone XD
Secondly, I'd like to apologise to a couple of people, as it is long overdue.
Sorry, Anna, for disturbing you, and taking you unintentionally for granted.
Sorry, Trent2666, for breaking your trust.
And now:
I'm starting up my own YouTube channel!
It is going to be called ItsXtremeAlex, and will have FamCraft Wastelands gameplay, a Skyblock series on Famcraft, and some FLASH (yes, its back) updates!
it will also have gameplay on other retro and racing games.
Its good to see you guys and gals again,