
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned  (Read 5197 times)

Offline ColSandicus

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Plea to be unbanned
« Opened on April 03, 2015, 06:58:40 PM »
  I am so so so sorry guys i didn't mean to kill chief, do you remember the joke were we want to cook chief? well i just took a that joke a little too far, i am so sorry for breaking the rules please un-ban me I love famcraft and really want to get back on im so sorry for dis-obeying the rules. please please let me back on.

Offline ColSandicus

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on April 10, 2015, 07:34:41 PM »
Hi, dad here wondering why this has not been answered/resolved. I am very strict about my sons multiplayer gaming and famcraft is the only one I trust. I have  spoken to my son about taking things too far and feel that his apology was sincere. If his ban is to be permanent I understand. An answer would be most appreciated. Thanks

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #2 on April 11, 2015, 12:33:39 PM (Edited April 11, 2015, 02:24:58 PM) »
 Hi Dad,

  The Admin team has been exceedingly busy with both server things, as well as real-life situations. Banned players and their pleas never take priority over the other things we all must accomplish on a daily basis.
 The rules are clearly posted in multiple places. When a player breaks these rules to the point that they end up perm banned, we are okay to let them sit and think about it a few days. We feel no real rush to post a reply. We like to try to reply to ban pleas within 2-3 days when possible but when life gets busy we deal with them as we find the time.

 This is a free to play server with an all volunteer staff team. We deal with situations on a case by case basis as they occur. In this situation, Col tried to kill a staff member via unwanted PvP. Unwanted PvP is strictly forbidden on Famcraft.
 Worse yet, Col lied to trick the staff member into teleporting to his location so he could then try to kill him.

 The staff team stays quite busy with staff work and has limited playtime of their own. When a player asks for help, staff drops everything they are doing to assist the player in need.

 To be called away from play time to assist a player who did not actually need help only so that the player could try to kill them was really not a very nice situation. We try to stress honestly and fairness on this server so this was quite sad to see.

 Col has been banned 4 times prior to this. I am sure based on all this information you can understand why we do not always make replying to ban pleas like this our top priority when life gets busy.

 It is my hopes that Col has had time to think about why this is not acceptable behavior here on Famcraft. I will set this ban to expire in 24 hours. Col should review the rules at /spawn upon his return.

 I will say, his behavior has improved markedly since his first ban in Nov 2014. Even so, his most recent ban was in March 2015, for griefing. I'd like to think we will not have any more issues when he returns. If anything even vaguely similar to this happens again, I can not promise he will be allowed to return again.

 We will see Col on the server when he is ready to return.