My daughter, bertmg, was banned for leaving 8 dogs at the spawner. I was aware that she was going to the dog spawner and warned her explicitly against leaving any dogs she tamed at the spawner. Bertmg is only five years old and I should have more closely supervised her activity at the spawner. That being said, I absolutely understand that she broke the rules. And therefore she deserves the account ban. I have allowed several days to pass before making a request because I wanted to make sure that she learns from her mistake.
I recognize that the dog spawner is a pain to manage when folks leave tame animals there. While I am relatively new to Famcraft my understanding is that the dog spawner was actually eliminated for a time because there were so many issues with folks leaving animals. So, I certainly understand the severity of this ban. Are you willing to consider setting a number of days for her ban so that I can let her know when she may be able to get back on?
Thanks for your consideration.