
Author Topic: To Socks and True  (Read 6145 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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To Socks and True
« Opened on May 26, 2015, 06:47:14 PM »
Hello Socks and True. We felt this would be the very best way to address this situation.

 You two have both been with us for a very long time. You've both been good players that we have really enjoyed having on the server. It will be very sad if you do not both return to us. In order to return, you will need to read this entire post, and reply to make it clear you understand what has been said here.

 Both of you are guilty of bringing drama from another server to Famcraft. We absolutely won't stand for it here. We ask for ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION of ANY other server on this server- this includes to staff. We are very tired of hearing about the drama on the "other server".

 It is none of our concern what you do in your spare time, or what other servers you choose to play on. We all play other games, we all do other things. When we are on Famcraft we DO NOT discuss other servers, period.

 What is even worse than your disregard for the rules about not discussing other servers here is that you are not only discussing them you are actually causing trouble with one another here about things that happened elsewhere.

 We CAN NOT AND WILL NOT help you with ANYTHING that has occurred outside of Famcraft.

 This means if you have an issue

- on another server

- on skype

-on another game

-on steam

-at school

-at the park

-in any public or private location

-at home

-by email

-by telephone

-by snail mail

-by carrier pigeon

- though telepathic communication of any kind

 It is NOT a FAMCRAFT issue. We offer a safe and friendly place to play. We moderate conversations and actions on Famcraft ONLY. We can not protect you from issues elsewhere.

 We WILL NOT ever offer "special protections" or allow any player to treat another player in a rude or disrespectful manner on Famcraft. If  you intend to be here, you will do so while following Famcraft's rules.
 We have reviewed the logs of server conversations between involved parties and we see some incredibly petty nonsense going on as far as both of you go. If you're going to act like that towards one another, you can do it elsewhere. We don't need it here. We know there is a lot of playing innocent going on here, but I think you both know you are contributing to this situation.

 If you wish to return to Famcraft you need to get your act together and not attempt to bring your drama here. If you return and we see one more mention of this "other server" or what goes on there you will be perm banned with no plea.

 If this is 100% clear to you, reply to this post and we will see about reducing this to a temp-ban so you can both have a cooling off period to put this nonsense behind you.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: To Socks and True
« Reply #1 on May 26, 2015, 07:20:16 PM »
 You were not told to private message me. I will not be accepting private messages on this topic. No special treatment, no special favors.

Socks said:
I have got it. My mom got real scared cuz he sent me a Famcraft forum msg that he didnt have my trust and it set of a "red flag" for my mother. She though he was trying to find me, and she said just now "Tell them it was me, I know how much FamCraft means to you, but I need to be able to trust you and tell the administrator that I told you to tell Miss.Ghouls and that I meant no harm." (her typing.) She was real scared, and now I dont quiet feel that safe. I dont want TMG to try to find me, and I surely regret talking about the server in the first place. It was certinly not Ghouls fault, all mine, and I take up for the tempban. Thank you.

"Tell them it was me, I know how much FamCraft means to you"

 Socks, we will not accept "It was my Mom". You need to be a big girl and take responsibility for your actions here. Your Mama has not had you on here trying to cause drama for days and days. Your Mama has not been on Famcraft talking about other servers. That was all you. For this conversation to even get started, you need to accept responsibility for your actions. Also, honesty is important.

"I dont quiet feel that safe. I dont want TMG to try to find me"

 I am pretty sure you know better than this too. True is a good kid. I know he can get upset sometimes just like you can, but you know he is not a danger to you. This is another effort at causing drama/trouble on your part, as I see it.

It was certinly not Ghouls fault, all mine.

 We are not so easily manipulated here. I think this is a cute line you tossed in so I will address it for you.
 At NO POINT did we see Ghouls or ANY staff member as being at "fault" for YOUR failure to follow the rules. :/ Very noble of you to defend her honor.

"and I take up for the tempban"

 Then you're not understanding how things work here. You don't "take me up on the tempban offer". I'll let you know if at some point I feel like your reply was acceptable for a tempban. Right now, I feel lied to and deceived by a player who can do better.

 I have confidence your next reply will be more honest and will address the situation properly. For now, the perm ban stands.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: To Socks and True
« Reply #2 on May 26, 2015, 10:37:38 PM (Edited May 26, 2015, 10:49:39 PM) »
 True- in the future if a Admin or any other Staff member edits your post to remove server details YOU DO NOT change that info back.

True said:

Hello anna i am aware that i mentioned [ that other server]  COUNTLESS times but in my defence i came on yesterday (5/25/2015) and i got a mail from socks saying "Omega told me everything. Why would you do that. I lost all trust in you." somthing like this. Then i asked if any one knew anything then ghouls helped me figure it out when Socks came on. When she came on she had a talk with ghouls and ghouls told me i "Hacked" [ that other server ]. Omega then told me my IP matched some hack or somthing and i asked questions and my IP match previous ip's from her server i log in with. She for gave me, but now she lost ALL trust in me and i am really sad and i really love famcraft and my friends.

Hello anna i am aware that i mentioned [ that other server]  COUNTLESS times

 And do you understand this is enough for a perm ban with no plea? Why would you do this when you are aware it is against the rules?

 What happens other places does not need to be brought up or dealt with in any way on Famcraft. I do understand you were trying to find out what the cryptic message you received was. That part makes sense to me. Mentioning the other place over and over, however, does not make sense to me.

 This type of nonsense is a BIG part of why we have a rule about absolutely no discussion of other servers. People are friends here, then somewhere gets advertised or discussed and players go to a place with different rules where they fight and say hurtful things and upset one another, then you all think it's okay to carry that negativity back here. It's not. I have a good mind to perm ban every player involved in this little stunt. I am aware there are more than just you and Socks. Right now, you two seem to be the ones causing the most upset with it.
 How can I know if you return you won't continue to discuss the other server here? How can I know you and Socks will be civil to one another?