
Author Topic: My Reply/plea to "To Socks And True"  (Read 5587 times)

Offline TrueMinecraftGuy

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My Reply/plea to "To Socks And True"
« Opened on May 27, 2015, 07:28:49 PM »
And do you understand this is enough for a perm ban with no plea? Why would you do this when you are aware it is against the rules?

 What happens other places does not need to be brought up or dealt with in any way on Famcraft. I do understand you were trying to find out what the cryptic message you received was. That part makes sense to me. Mentioning the other place over and over, however, does not make sense to me.

 This type of nonsense is a BIG part of why we have a rule about absolutely no discussion of other servers. People are friends here, then somewhere gets advertised or discussed and players go to a place with different rules where they fight and say hurtful things and upset one another, then you all think it's okay to carry that negativity back here. It's not. I have a good mind to perm ban every player involved in this little stunt. I am aware there are more than just you and Socks. Right now, you two seem to be the ones causing the most upset with it.
 How can I know if you return you won't continue to discuss the other server here? How can I know you and Socks will be civil to one another?
Yes, Anna you are right. I never should have done this this was my bad. To be civil to socks i shall, apologize, fix ANYTHINGY that was broken (Not grief wise but trust wise), I wiil apologise to everyone involved and mind my own buissnes, I shall NEVER speak of any server besides famcraft EVER and (try) to forget about this WHOLE situation or learn from my mistakes. Sorry for letting you down. :(

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: My Reply/plea to "To Socks And True"
« Reply #1 on May 27, 2015, 08:11:14 PM »
 And this is exactly what I was looking for. Your words tell me you accept full responsibility for your actions and you are sincerely sorry for what happened. It's clear to me that you understand, and that you want to move forward and put this situation behind you. That's is exactly what we want, as well.

 The thought you put behind your plea lets me know you do not need any further time away from the server. You are the type of player we are proud to have here. Thank you, True. I will unban you now. Welcome back.

Offline TrueMinecraftGuy

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Re: My Reply/plea to "To Socks And True"
« Reply #2 on May 27, 2015, 08:59:48 PM »
Thank you so much this will never happen again i have learned!!