
Author Topic: How did THIS get in my room?!  (Read 4232 times)

Offline FrodoRose

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How did THIS get in my room?!
« Opened on April 25, 2015, 02:46:22 PM »
This game is called How did THIS get in my room?! Your job is to fill out the "THIS" spot!
    So quickly glance around in the room your in, and pick the first object you see! Now, your going to make a crazy story about how that object got inside you room!
               The goal is to see how funny you can get it, and before writing your story, rate the persons before you on  a 1-10 scale, be honest on how funny it is =D
Player one: My object is my hair brush- One day, I woke up, This big shoe was floating on a cow!? And It bla bla...

Player two: I give you a 7. My object is my pencil- I was at school one day when my bla bla bla...

Do you understand? Great! I will get it started!

My object is my flash light- I was at home, eating my cookie, when flashing lights came from outside the window.
I peeked outside the window to see the moon and stars where gone! So I started wondering where the strange lights came from! That's when I saw it... MY MISSING TV CONTROLLER! It was a mirical! I could finally watch T.V. again! But that still did not awncer my question. Where where the lights comeing from. Oh well, I went to bed, deciding I was just imagining the whole thing.
   Flash, flash flash. I was woken up by lights outside my window. I made sure the whole household was asleep before running outside, P.J.s and all. I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. It was back... dun dunDUN
Time can't fly, it has no wings.
Moutains can't move, they have no legs.
Sugar can die, I have a mouth

Offline ~Lucario~

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Re: How did THIS get in my room?!
« Reply #1 on April 29, 2015, 05:31:22 PM »
My object is my Flame 999 bow. When I saw 'it', my long lost creeper cousin, I shot him about 7351095264 times but realized it wasn't affecting him. So I called my parents to come and see, but then I woke up. It must have been a dream. But that's when I saw it...

~Brad: More tickets
~Brad: less chance for me
~Rowan: ^
~_Luc~: :D
[RAFFLE] Congratulations go to Bradboy523 for winning 102000
with 12 tickets
[RAFFLE] There was a total of 15 players buying 170 tickets
~Brad: :O
~_Luc~: WHAT

Offline ~PaintBrush

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Re: How did THIS get in my room?!
« Reply #2 on June 01, 2015, 08:19:47 PM »

My object is meh kurio ( like an iPod) even tho I hate it a lot I lost it in the wall how? i trew it at the wall and the wall had a better chance of breaking than the tablet. I hired a carpender and he still couldnt find it. But then i found a rectangular mouse in meh room and now i know where it went...

( not true storie btw :P
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