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Getting to know each other.

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BK i'm loving the suit!  :P  :o

My real name is Thomas Richard Pickett, in game, I'm known as a Dark Mage. I invited Doodleman_42, mustangRi2002, Ethman04, waren_peace, suckishdude, and zdew47 to this server. IRL, I am a male, with dirty blond hair, and glasses. This server is awesomely awesome! :D :D

Hello my name is Joost Broers.
I am from The Netherlands and I am 14 years old. I am playing minecraft for over more then 2 years. I have been playing Famcrasft for a week now and I am already addicted

I am in the Third class and I play the drums. my hobbies are Gaming, gaming, playing the drums and Football.

Ello. I'm Tyler (which is mostly quite obvious. :D) I am 16 years old and live in Fairview, Montana which is a small little 900 person town that is pretty smack close to the middle of the Bakken Oilfield (for those who haven't heard of it, google the Bakken Formation). I work at a grocery store and see all walks of life come through it. I am 5'1 and weigh somewhere around 118-125 pounds so I'm not the biggest guy around. I train in Tae Kwon Do and will be belting up to black January 19th and did Judo till I got to brown belt. I've been in quite a few Tae Kwon Do tournaments and in most I take home the gold, even though I'm going against other kids that are close to six feet tall. I am pretty much a gamer and will be always be playing some kind of game after I finish work. I've had a very stressful life lately and drift in and out of depression at times... But hey, I'm here! I really have no family around where I live since most of them live in Minnesota. I am shy at times and am prone to going randomly quiet in some instances, but I still try to help people as much as possible. I also am VERY, very camera shy.

Here's a pic of me (in the driver seat) and my best friend ever, who's always been there for me and has quite litterally saved me in many instances.

Hey y'all...  My name is Chip W.

I live in South Carolina and work as a truck driver, traveling the 48 continental US.  I'm somewhere in my 40's and still love to play MC when I can.  I'm not a great builder or anything, but love to build and prefer survival servers.  I go by ChipW on MC.  I was actually introduced to FamCraft by my 12 year old son and found out that my brother (kealper) also hangs out here.

I can't get on a lot because of my job and sparse access to internet, but love it here and will be around for a long time...


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