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Getting to know each other.

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Hello, I am UniDuck on the forums, but my ign is "kev878."

I've been playing Minecraft since 2014, though I started multiplayer in 2015. I did pvp for a while, but more recently I've really enjoyed Famcraft survival. Right now, I'm focusing on expanding my base (link on map: There's a whole forest and plains nearby me, and I plan to expand it all into a series of castles.

Hello all, I guess this post is a few years late, but anywho :P

My ingame name is ThePurpleSquare, though my nickname is ~ViralVideo. I live in MA, play Minecraft and other video games, love to write, and most of the time, socialize. I spend lots of time playing Magic the Gathering, as well as writing MLP:FiM Fanfiction. I am a swimmer for the local team, and I'm testing next month for my second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I play on the server a lot, though there have been breaks in playing when I have schoolwork to do or am busy with other irl things. My brother, executeSQUID, also plays, though not as frequently as I do.

I love helping people, and generally doing silly things (like forgetting that ender pearls do damage and dying because of that). If you see me on the server, don't be afraid to ask for things-chances are that I'll drop what I'm doing to come help, or at the very least finish what I'm working on before coming to your aid.

See you around!

Hi. My name is Veronica and I have been playing MC with my son since 2012. He is now into servers and I am always hesitant to let him onto them because of the language and hacking/greifing. I am so grateful that I found you. 

I am a stay at home mom, 45 years old with one son, VinsonB. We have 2 cats and 1 tiny dog. We live in Las Vegas, NV and love to explore nature. I craft in my spare time, mostly spinning yarn, weaving and knitting. I enjoy hiking, camping and speed roller skating. I also love watching silent films. I have very high social anxiety, so life can be very uncomfortable at times.

Vinson is 11 and loves science, reading, running, ants, bees, mythology, mythical creatures, studying diseases and cute animal videos. He also loves when people are fair and kind to one another and loves helping.

Logic_Leader (Equine_Xpert):
Hello peoples! My name is Equine_Xpert and I'm a Tennesseean teen. I have been on Famcraft for a little over six months now? Though I'm so comfortable it feels like longer.
Time for some fun facts about me!

I like, animals animals ANIMALS!!!
Fav season: Spring, when all the bugs and cute little creatures come out.
Fav food: doughnuts
Fav pastime: Playing Famcraft!!
I'm all over the forum so go hunting for all my random thread replies!
I'm a Hufflepuff!!
My best friend is Aetherliv.
I have a dog named Rusty and a bunny named Bernie.

Plz reply if any of these apply to you!!

Ok I guess I'll do this now cause I haven't yet.
My name is Plurbeh /Coop/idek know how many nicks I have.
I like to build modern stuff.I'm 11 but I think I'm older on the inside lol.I would like to be good at combat but I'm not.I like to talk a lot :D conversation is part of the reason I love Famcraft.I live in Oregon where it rains a lot and and there's cold beaches.I like to draw manga.I like grilled cheese (do I have to say this).I learned to read before I was 2 years old so I'm good at language arts.Ummm I like to read.Running out of ideas here lol


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