
Author Topic: Getting to know each other.  (Read 164101 times)

Offline xDan546

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #165 on March 27, 2018, 10:58:35 AM »
Hi. I am 1.8.9 minecraft person who likes to sometimes take breaks from pvp (Player v. Player). I decided to find a server to play survival on, and I found this one. I am a nice guy, and I like to help people. ;D

Offline executeSQUID

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #166 on March 30, 2018, 03:37:06 PM »
hi, i'm a player who likes doing command blocks and programming.  I do not like PvP much but I like building (though in not that good).  I started playing Minecraft in the 1.6.4 update and than quit for a while.  around 1.7 I started wanting to play multiplayer and my parents said I could only play on family friendly servers.  I tried one before this one and did not like it so I tried this one and did.  I enjoy meeting new people and just playing Minecraft in general.  I also do not like spelling. ;)

Offline Hazel_Grove

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #167 on June 05, 2018, 09:10:19 PM »
My IGN is Hazel_Grove, but please call me Hazel  :). I'm a middle schooler who likes the color orange and art. I live somewhere in California, and I have one pet dog and one pet rabbit. Also, I love building custom trees, it is very fun and relaxing  :D.
I enjoy PVP, but not all the time, and I'm not too good at it. I'm also not good at redstone.
I only play PC Minecraft, the controls on PE confuse me.
Famcraft was my first Minecraft server, and by far the best server I've ever played on/will play on.
Guess that's all I have to say about myself. I might add more in the future.
Livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know we're on each other's team

Offline W0lfg1rl

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #168 on January 02, 2019, 09:37:05 AM »
Hi, my screen name is W0lfg1rl, or just W0lfy. I am a twelve-year-old girl and I have been playing Minecraft for a long time. I like to draw, act in plays, read, code, and go on runs. I joined because the server I played on previously fell apart, and I was lonely. I'm new, but I enjoy playing on this server a lot.

Clan: Moose Clan
In-game pets: a horse named Sonic and a wolf named Rick.
Greatest wishes for future Minecraft updates: more wolf skins, a fairy dimension, and tamable rabbits
Favorite books: The Penderwicks series, Wings of Fire series, Harry Potter series, and MANY more!
How long I've been playing Minecraft: 4 or more years
How long I've been playing on this server: 3 or 4 days XD
Favorite block: Cement! It's so brightly colored and it doesn't burn

That's all I can think of at the moment! Bye!
(P.S. I'm a Hufflepuff!)

Offline Agawaateshin

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #169 on April 29, 2022, 06:20:15 PM »
Hello all
I'm Brooke. I like reading tons of books, draw, sculpt and handcraft things I need/use myself as well as studying about different cultures and belief systems as far as oral stories from way back when.
I'm not very good with the whole pvp stuff. I like to build and terraform but I still need a lot of work to be at the level I want to be at as far as my skills go.
I've been homeschooled most of my young teenage life and don't have many friends at all, so I'm introverted and a stickler for rules (I don't like being fussed at so I don't break them to be fussed at) but have a creative mind and get distracted easily. I have many "Squirrel!" moments lol
I'm currently moving to a new place where I can hopefully have a new garden to go with all the animals I hope to raise (small farm)
As far as life in general, I forward to making friends and being helpful in any way I can, in everything, and hope to be a great deal helpful if I can join the server.
Hopefully one day I can become an archeologist so I can travel and discover the way things used to be and how they came to be now. If I can't do that and travel all over the world, hopefully I can still do it in my home country/continent. If that falls through then I'll be content being a farmer and fostering animals with special needs. <3

Here's to hoping everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

Offline SantaFanta101

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #170 on June 18, 2022, 09:24:26 PM »
Hey guys,
I'm Le__(pretty uncommon name in Florida, my home, so I prefer to censor the last bit). Personally a huge fan of graphic design, history, and mapmaking, and have been able to make a fair bit of money off of editing and retouching photos and providing phone backgrounds. My favorite music has to be by creators like Tally Hall and artists like them. I have acted in a few plays, and am in the IB program in high school. I notice myself feeling lonely despite having plenty of friends, especially after leaving middle school and all my friends from the theater program behind. I have ADHD, which can either help me focus drastically, harm my focus drastically, or in the worst cases, feel so sleepy I can't get anything done. No clue why it makes me feel sleepy, it just does. I haven't really played on the server in a while, but still love it nevertheless. My favorite area in the world to study the history of is in Southeastern Asia. The mandala (circle) system employed really intrigues me, and strikes me as odd that feudalism could spawn in different areas of the world at similar times.

Here's to hoping y'all are doing well!
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Offline ProBall30

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #171 on July 03, 2022, 11:19:33 PM »
Hello all,
My IGN is ProBall30, or Pro, but feel free to call me Emily. I started playing Famcraft many years ago with my sister Diamond_Lulu (Not going to say her real name, she can if she wants) and my Dad avestan (same reasoning). I enjoy playing basketball, video games, and coding. i live somewhere in California and I go to an all girls school. Famcraft is and will always be my favorite server and I have really enjoyed my time here. Currently, my minecraft launcher isn't working, but you will see me at some point.

See you on the server!

Offline BrunoAS

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #172 on July 26, 2022, 08:04:52 AM (Edited August 21, 2022, 09:35:13 PM) »
Hey all Bruno here.
i code things and i listen to music and make music
thats it

Offline dragonmagic

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Re: Getting to know each other.
« Reply #173 on September 22, 2022, 11:07:42 PM »
Hi there! I'm helping my son type this, as he's only 5!
"Hi everybody, my name is Adam and I am 5 years old. I like the color green and I love to play Minecraft! When I grow up I want to be a doctor, a nurse, drive a big truck and a pilot."