General Category > General Discussion
Getting to know each other.
Hello. My Name in Game is Zeerupo, My Real Name is Mathias. im from Denmark, and my 2 siplings also play famcraft, actually i showed them the server, i actually introduced 4 players to the game. Enough about that. :D
I have always loved playing MC, but one time i got bored and seached for a server, and found famcraft, i love playing Computer, PS3, XBOX. pretty much all console games. I also love Sports and Being With My Friends. Btw Im 14 :D
Hello to everyone who introduced themselves here, I'm glad to see that everyone is willing to get to know each other, it makes me happy to know that you guys are putting an effort at making famcraft what it is today.
I'd like to thank you all for respecting our rules, and being and awesome comunity. Me and micah can tell you we never planned to get this far with the server, and look at us now, we are getting to know each other as neighbors :)
I love coming on forums and seeing it's active, and that players are getting along, things like this makes me wish we were neighbors. I hope to see many more new faces in the time famcraft does exist (which is forever). take care :)
KittyMew, just wanted to say that my daughter likes to hang out with you on the server. She is MissKaylee2002 and is 11 also :) Too bad she only has her laptop on weekends and vacations. When I get home this weekend, I plan to put mumble on it for her. But, just so you know, she also uses skype :D
Hello Everyone!
I wasn't going to write on this but I have decided too ^-^
In game my name is Luke_Bruck, but my real name is Luke Bruck. ... Ok I am also currently a Helper on the server and am always willing to lend a helping hand! I really love giving tours to new players. In real life I spend my free time playing sports. I love baseball, basketball, and football. Baseball is probably 50% of my life. I also enjoy listening to music like: ColdPlay, Mumford and Sons, and many many more. My worst thing in life has always been Math, so please, no math questions at any time.
I can't wait to see you all in game more and more and get to know you all :D
Hi, my name is HardcoreGamer24 and I'm from Planet Minecraft. Can I have OP now?
Oh and my name is nick and i'm 14.
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