
Author Topic: Unbanning plea  (Read 5265 times)

Offline Foreverlost1o1

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Unbanning plea
« Opened on July 02, 2015, 11:48:44 AM »
Dear, Famcraft staff and family!

     Hello Famcraft staff and Family, To recent discovery, both LordBungaIII and I have been Banned! I am very Sadden by my mistakes and do not Believe LordBungaIII should have taken the blame.... Lordbunga and i do normally talk over Skype during play session so I am aware of what he said to staff. We had a talk with Rubenschuerub (I'm sorry im Most likely spelling that Horribly Wrong) And Both LordbungaIII and I remebering that they had said No one was in Trouble! But we did do something that is not Acceptable! If you would like me to do something in re-pay i will gladly own up to my responsibilities! I will also re-pay The owner of the chests and things a new house or something they would like.

I'm horribly sorry for what i have done... I hope you except my apology.

                      Sincerely, A devoted Famcraft Player! (ForeverLost1o1)   

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unbanning plea
« Reply #1 on July 03, 2015, 02:47:49 PM »

 Thank you for taking the time to plea. This was a sad ban to have to do.

 At the time I told LordBungaIII that no one was currently in trouble, it was because I had not yet realized you two had griefed to that extent. At that point I thought you had just been extremely disrespectful of another player buy building literally right against/around their chests and furnace.

 I came back to look into it more, and found that you actually destroyed two player homes in order to claim the area for yourself. While those homes might not have looked like much to you, they were special to the young players who built them with their time and resources.

 We are VERY STRICTLY a NO griefing server. This does not mean no griefing unless you just really want the area, or no griefing unless something is in your way. It means under no circumstances do you break anything placed by another player.
 This rules applies to players and staff alike. Even the owners would not come in and break another player's structure with the exception of very specific situations we have carefully outlined in the policy staff follows.

 I find it very upsetting that as long as you two have been here and as much as you've played and seen how this server works that you would find it acceptable to tear down other player's builds.

 Furthermore, at first you told me there were other builds there- as soon as I told you we considered all builds protected you changed that up to be:

"/r lord siad there was no building"

 Which was obviously not the case.

 Your excuse seemed to be that you "had played for months and not seen the player who built the structures.  :-[

 This server has players of all ages from all over the world. These players come and go- some day to day, some month to month, and some are gone for a year or more then come back. The thing they all have in common is they have the right to return to this server and find their structures as they left them. That's why they choose to play on a family friendly server with a strict NO griefing policy.

 We are going to pardon this ban this one time. Please, please do not remove any other player's structures, ever again.

 Additionally, the fact that you did overtake not one, but TWO other player's areas must be addressed. The section you griefed has been rolled back. This means a chunk of the structure you were building has been removed and restored to reflect the original state of the area before you moved in and made yourselves at home there.

 We are willing to relocate the remaining section of your build elsewhere far from other player structures. It will be up to you if you decide to repair it and keep building it or not. If you do not want it relocated, it will be removed entirely. Please think about where you would like to have your structure placed and let us know. The area is currently in a protected region and will not be able to be interacted with until this is sorted out.

 Please get in touch with us as soon as possible about the relocation of the structure. 

 I am going to lift our ban now. I'd like to encourage you to review the rules at /spawn when you return.