Clan Chat > Forum Games

Corrupt-A-Wish part 2 (another forum game)

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Its a very simple game. Grant the wish of the user above you, but add some witty, cruel twist to it.


Forum Guy 1: I wish my headphones worked better

Forum Guy 2: Granted, they work so well that they shoot your eardrums out. You are now deaf.

Then, after corrupting the wish of the user above you. Post your own wish! I'll start it off.

I wish I had a parrot!

you get a parrot, but the parrot is very very rude.

I wish I had a billion dollars.

wish granted, but upon recieving the money the goverment, and irs decides to tax you all of your money....

I wish I had a new car.

You are transported back in time by unknown forces to the year 1989 and receive a brand new Yugo.

I wish for world peace.

Granted...No actually politicians excist still, the world will remain unpeaceful! D:

I wish Bk wasn´t a stalker.


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